How to Stop Attracting Broke People to Your Webinars

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Let’s be honest: you’re not doing webinars for free.

Sure, it could be ‘free of charge’… but the ultimate goal is to get SALES.

Sadly that’s impossible if you’re attracting the wrong kind of audience.

(Especially if they’re just in it for the freebies!)

In this episode, we discuss the 3 things we did for one of our clients’ webinars so that all their hard work (and ad dollars!) actually pay off.

You’ll learn:

  • How to attract the RIGHT kind of people to your webinars
  • The one thing that might TURN OFF your target audience
  • Some practical tips you can apply to your webinar’s STRUCTURE
  • Our ‘secret’ to getting results if all else fails
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Key Points

  • 00:00 Introduction: Attracting the Right Audience 
  • 00:21 Case Study: Client’s Struggle with Broke Attendees
  • 00:51 Identifying the Right Target Audience
  • 02:30 Restructuring the Event for Success
  • 03:06 Three-Day Challenge Breakdown
  • 03:46 Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts
  • 04:46 Testing and Proof of Concept
  • 05:28 Conclusion and Call to Action


(0:00 – 4:19)
Hi, in this episode, I want to talk about how to stop attracting broke people to your webinars and how to start attracting the right type of people to your webinars. Hi, this is Terence, founder of Radical Marketing. In past 10 years, we have focused exclusively on marketing webinars and seminars, and we have generated over 1.5 million leads for such events.

So today, I want to share with you a case study of a new client that came to us complaining that he’s been running all these two-day events, spending so much time and effort delivering these two-day events with lots of good content on how to invest in stocks, how to use options to maximize those returns in stocks. And at the end of the day, he is attracting all these people who are broke, who say they love your cause, who say I love your cause, but I don’t have money to invest. So that is not the right type people he wants.

So when he came to me, by looking at his situation, straight away, I could tell him that he is not attracting the right people because with this two-day event, he’s going through everything a beginner needs to know on how to start investing in stocks. So I told him, hey, look, you should stop targeting beginners. And in fact, you should start targeting people who already invest in stocks, people who may also are doing trading in crypto or in forex or stocks, whatever it is, because these people, at least we know they got the capital to do something, right, instead of people who are completely broke.

So this is what we propose to him, because just looking at these people, this is what they really want. They are probably in the situation where they are trading or investing, but they are not outperforming the S&P. In fact, the index is probably outperforming them, and they’re getting frustrated, right? And the second thing is they probably don’t want to know how to set up brokerage and all that stuff.

All they want to know is like, tell me what stocks to buy right now. And I’ll suggest the other thing that they want is to know how to use options to get better returns from their stock portfolio if they have one. If not, we need to show them how to invest in good stocks that are growing, and also how to then add more returns by using options.

So that is the type of information that they want. And honestly, to come for a full two-day event, these people are probably not that interested. So we have restructured it into a three-day event instead, right? So by restructuring it, we also get really clear on what the target audience really wants.

Not beginners, but people who have existing stock portfolios or who are trading. So the recommendation we gave is number one, create a three-day challenge instead of a two-full-day bootcamp. So over the three days, it’s like one and a half hours or two hours each day, and we do some live trading as well to show them how it works.

Okay, so that will get people excited. So in day one, what we want to show them is an overview of his system, right? How it all works. In day two, that’s where he will teach people how to use selling calls and put options to maximise the returns on the stocks.

And the third day, that’s where he will show people how to use leap year calls, which is long-term calls to actually leverage and get better returns from their investments or from their capital. So that is a new structure, which I think will appeal more to sophisticated investors rather than beginners. So really, it’s quite simple.

It’s really about knowing who you’re targeting and structuring not just the ads, but also the offer in a way that appeals to the audience. So the topic of the webinar, also the structure, the timeframe that we actually do for these people is different. Because think about it, those people who have money, who have stock portfolios, they’re probably not really interested to sit in a two-full-day thing where you’re teaching people from scratch.

(4:19 – 4:40)
But what they’re really interested in is how can I structure my portfolio so that it outperforms the S&P, so that it doesn’t get those crummy 10% to 15% returns, but how to structure it so I can get 20%, 30% returns. That is what they are really interested in. So that is the second thing.

(4:40 – 5:30)
First thing is to be aware of our ideal target audience. Second thing is to structure the event with people who have money in mind. And finally, the third thing is we don’t know whether this is going to work, because this is a brand new thing.

We are just going to test it. And sometimes it’s better to test than to try and optimise what already doesn’t work, which was his two-day event. I thought there was no point to try and optimise that or to restructure that two-day event, because thinking about these people who have stock portfolios, who are trading right now, they want real practical information.

So they want to see real practical information. And number two, they want to see proof. And that is where we bring in the live demo on each night to show them how it’s actually done.

(5:30 – 5:55)
So I hope you got some lessons here on how to stop attracting broke people to your webinars. And if you got value from this video or podcast, wherever you’re listening, please hit the like and subscribe button, because that will give us a lot of encouragement to say, hey, look, we are heading in the right direction. So thank you again for watching, and I will see you in the next episode.

This podcast is hosted by Terence Tam, author of Lead Surge: 8 Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts. He is also the Founder of Radical Marketing, a digital marketing agency that partners with high-ticket coaches to scale their businesses with Webinars – by using a proprietary blend of story ads and battled-tested sales funnels to achieve better returns on ad dollars.

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