How to Design a Highly Profitable Webinar Funnel

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Since the 2020 Covid pandemic hit us and we were forced to work from home – The Webinar Funnel became a staple in many coaches’ arsenal of marketing tools. 

Make no mistake, Webinars were already being used before 2020…

But there was an EXPLOSION of Webinars when people were stuck at home. 

Coaches started to realize the power of Webinars to grow their businesses. 

They realized they could reach a lot of more people geographically – without the cost of renting and setting up a physical room. 

They no longer had to go on seminar ‘road trips’ and not see their families for months. 

At the same time, attendees realized the convenience and ease of attending Webinars in the comfort of their homes. 

No more traveling to training events, 

… fighting for parking spots…

… or experiencing the potential displeasure of sitting on ergonomically bad chairs for several hours. 

Our clients who were doing physical seminars were forced to pivot into Webinars – and most of them were pleasantly surprised with the results. 

The good news is Webinars and other similar sorts of online events are well and truly alive and kicking. 

And it’s still a powerful form of marketing for coaches. 

We’re still getting tens of thousands of Webinar sign ups each month. 

Webinars can work for offers such as: 

  • Bootcamps
  • Courses 
  • Group coaching 
  • Masterminds
  • Done-for-you services
  • Continuity programs
  • 1:1 coaching programs 
  • Paid challenges 
  • Memberships 

 In this post we’ll be focusing on how to construct a highly profitable Webinar funnel. 

 But first, let’s address whether it’s even worth having a Webinar funnel in the first place

Why Do Webinars?

Webinars are a fantastic way to showcase your expertise and reach a large audience without having to leave your home or office.

In fact, webinars are becoming more and more popular as a tool for professional development and education. According to a study by On24, a whopping 78% of professionals attend webinars to keep up with industry trends and learn new skills.  Here’s some other benefits: 

Increased visibility: 

A webinar eliminates geographical boundaries, potentially exposing coaches to new clients they wouldn’t have otherwise met.


Webinars are often much more cost-effective than traditional forms of marketing and outreach, allowing coaches to save on travel and event costs while still reaching a global audience.

Lead generation: 

A well-executed webinar can generate leads and help coaches build their email list, which can be a valuable resource for future marketing and outreach efforts.

Demonstrated expertise: 

Webinars allow you to showcase your skills, knowledge, and experience, helping to establish you as a thought leader in your field.

Just take a look at some of the successful coaches who use webinars. 

Tony Robbins, Marshall Goldsmith, and Simon Sinek are just a few examples of coaches who have leveraged webinars to reach a wider audience and share their expertise. 

Marie Forleo’s B-School: Marie Forleo’s webinar-based business education program has been hugely successful, attracting thousands of participants and generating millions of dollars in revenue.

Brendon Burchard’s High-Performance Academy: Bestselling author and high-performance coach Brendon Burchard uses webinars as a key part of his marketing and outreach strategy, reaching thousands of people with his message of personal and professional growth.

If these successful coaches are still using Webinars – why aren’t you?

Choosing a Winning Webinar Topic

Choosing a winning webinar topic is crucial for ensuring your webinar is well-received by your target audience and meets your goals. Here are some tips to help you choose a winning topic:

Know your target audience and solve a problem


Start by understanding your target audience, their needs, interests, and pain points. This will help you choose a topic that resonates with them and meets their needs – Your Webinar topic should be designed to solve their biggest challenges or problems. 

For example, when the Covid lockdowns first hit, we created a webinar titled: “How to create a Winning Webinar”

This was a hot topic that many coaches and business owners wanted to find out about. 

Consider current trends and hot topics

What’s the latest trends and hot topics in your industry? Choosing a topic that is relevant and timely can help attract more attendees to your webinar. Just like we did with our “How to create a Winning Webinar”. 

Leverage your expertise

Choose a topic that leverages your strengths and areas of expertise. This will help you showcase your knowledge and skills, and position you as a thought leader in your field.

If you have case studies and examples where you got great results – people will want to know more about it. Especially if you share some of your strategies for getting the result. 

Ask your audience

Ask your audience what they want to learn more about or what problems they need help solving. This can provide valuable insights into topics that would be well-received by your target audience.

This can be done via a survey, talking to existing customers and monitoring social media comments. 

For example if a lot of your prospects are having trouble dealing with stress in their feedback… you could create a Webinar like: 

“Stress Management for Busy Professionals: Practical Techniques for Reducing Stress and Improving Well-being”

In summary, when choosing a webinar topic, focus on serving your target audience. And not just on you and your expertise. 

The best webinar topics are found in the intersection between your target market’s problems and your expertise.

Now that we’ve covered how to choose a webinar topic, it’s time to dive into how to design your Webinar funnel. 

Anatomy of a Highly Profitable Webinar Funnel

Many people only see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Webinar funnels – but there is a whole lot more than meets the eye. 

Here’s a 30,000 foot overview of how an highly profitable webinar funnel looks like:

You may notice a large number of events that actually happen AFTER the live Webinar. 

And this is why many coaches can’t get Webinar funnels to work in a profitable way. 

It’s because they think of Webinars as a ‘one-off’ event.  

But here’s the thing:

While some prospects buy immediately at Webinars… 

… Most of them will need more time before making a purchase. 

And the fact is that the MAJORITY of people signing up for a free Webinar will not show up. 

But since they were interested enough to sign up in the first place… it shows that they have a desire to get a particular problem solved.  

That’s why extending your Webinar funnel is the key to getting more sales. 

And when done right – you can get more sales AFTER the Webinar than during the live event itself. 

So let’s break down each component of the Webinar funnel. 

Webinar Ads and Traffic

You can advertise your Webinars on most major advertising platforms.

We have advertised Webinars on Meta, Google, TikTok, Linkedin, Twitter and Taboola – and they all work. 

Just make sure that your ideal customers actually hang out on those channels. 

For us, we have found the best results from Meta, Google and Tiktok. 

The good thing about using a multichannel approach is that we can retarget traffic and create a feeling of ‘being everywhere’ to the prospect. 

This gives prospects the feeling that you are ‘omnipresent’ and are a big brand. 

For instance, you could get someone on Instagram clicking on an ad to your landing page. 

If they don’t sign up… they could find themselves watching a video about you on Youtube. 

And when they are catching up on news on their favorite news portal, they see your ad via the Google Display Network. 

Even after they sign up –  they could see a short video from you reminding them to show up for the event. 

That’s an example of the synergistic benefits of running ads across multiple platforms. 

When clients have a limited budget, we often use Meta (Facebook) as the main channel to run ads. 

This is because we find that we get the fastest results with Meta ads. 

Additionally, it is relatively easy to get ads live and running within a few hours on Meta. 

Compare this to creating and editing a video for say YouTube or TikTok – that can take a lot of time! 

The Webinar Landing Page

Before you start any ads you’ll need to have a Webinar Landing page. This is where prospects can learn all the details about the Webinar and sign up for it. 

Apart from all your basic information about the date, time, topic and speaker information – here are some other pieces of information you might want to consider including on the landing page:


1. A pre-headline to call out your audience



In the example above the pre-headline calls out ‘business owners and entrepreneurs’. The more specific your call out, the more you’re able to qualify the people who attend your webinar. 

For example, if instead of calling out ‘Business Owners and Entrepreneurs’ – we call out ‘business owners with at least $10 million revenue’ – we’re likely to get higher level business owners signing up for the training.



2. A benefit main headline


In the example above the big benefit is about getting clients and customers ‘on demand’. Because just about all business owners would like to get more new business.  

The promise that you put in this headline should be a big benefit – One that your prospects are looking for. 

You can also word your headline as a ‘pain elimination’ headline… This can work better for certain audiences. 

For example, we could re-word the main headline here as “Stop wasting hard-earned money on outdated social media marketing strategies that don’t get customers”.



3. A secondary headline that overcomes a challenge


The secondary headline here promises to overcome the pain of hiring more team members and save on the cost of hiring a marketing agency. 

This is because our research shows that many business owners had bad experiences with marketing agencies. 

Many others had also spent money hiring ‘social media managers’ who didn’t get them good results. 

That’s why we used these as the ‘challenges’ that the Webinar promises to overcome.


4. The 3 big takeaways


Most Webinars are structured in a way that they help attendees solve 3 major problems. 
We position these 3 things as ‘secrets’ that we reveal at the event. 



5. Benefit points


You may not be able to cover all the benefits in the 3 big takeaways section. 

Here’s where the additional bullet points come in.

Many people will read these bullet points on your page, so make sure you spend ample time identifying and crafting the benefits that are important to your prospects.


6. Introduction to the speaker


Most people who arrive on your landing page would not have heard about you before. 

It’s important to show why you’re qualified to talk about the subject matter. 



On this page, we show the speaker’s pictures and his background information… This adds credibility and trust.  

Another option is to tell a story about the speaker. If the speaker has an interesting life story to tell, this type of copy can both build credibility and rapport with prospects. 


7. Credibility signals  (testimonials/screenshots of results,  etc.)


Remember, most prospects that come to your page don’t know you. So it’s important to use the page to increase your credibility.  Here’s a few things that we did on this page: 


a) Endorsements

Endorsements from other famous speakers can be a powerful way of building authority, particularly if your prospects happen to be fans of the famous speaker. 

This speaker had Les Brown and Joel Bauer endorsing him – which enhances his credibility.



b) Student testimonials

Adam and Nicholas in the screenshot above are student testimonials. 

Because if you’re just using endorsements from famous people – the regular prospect might doubt that your stuff works for them. 

They need to self-identify with other people who may be at a similar stage of development as themselves.


c) Brands and media

If you’ve been featured in media before or have worked with big brands – having these displayed on the page can give you a further boost of credibility. 

We included the companies that the speaker had previously worked with, or had been mentioned by.



8. Future pace


In some markets, inserting a ‘future pace’ section can be useful to help overcome indecision. 

This section informs them that whether they choose to make a decision or not – there will be consequences. 

So we simply highlight the consequences of NOT taking action, versus the potential (better) future taking action to sign up. 

This often helps prospects get clarity and to take action.


9. Bonuses


Test out giving further incentives to sign up. 

These sign-up bonuses can be delivered digitally and automatically once they sign up. 

You’ll find that some people will sign up just to get the freebies, even though they may not be fully convinced about signing up for the Webinar. 

A simple way to do this is to make sure your bonuses actually provide value – to the situation that your prospects are in.  

When they consume your freebies they’ll start thinking to themselves “Wow if his free downloads are so good, I must attend his Webinar” 

In this example, there were 2 free downloadable bonuses that this client was giving away to entice visitors to sign up. 

You’ll find that some people will sign up just to get the freebies, even though they may not be fully convinced about signing up for the Webinar. 

A simple way to do this is to make sure your bonuses actually provide value – to the situation that your prospects are in.  

When they consume your freebies they’ll start thinking to themselves “Wow if his free downloads are so good, I must attend his Webinar” 

In this example, there were 2 free downloadable bonuses that this client was giving away to entice visitors to sign up.



The Thank You Page


The thank you page after signing up can be used for several purposes such as: 

  • Building familiarity with the coach/speaker
  • Elevating the level of excitement for the person who just signed up… Increasing the likelihood of attendance
  • Getting the prospect who signed up to take certain actions (e.g. Adding to the email whitelist, adding the event to Google calendar, etc)  
  • Using it as an opportunity to make an offer 

Below the thank you video, we remind prospects of the important things they need to do. 

Here’s what it looked like: 

The bottom line is this… 

Once people have signed up, they are on an ‘emotional high’.

This makes them more likely to pay attention to what you have to say on your thank you page.  

And there is a higher chance they are going to say ‘yes’ to an offer you make. 
So don’t waste this opportunity to further build trust and credibility… or even make a sale.


You can also you take a moment to check out our latest blog post, where we share the story of how we managed to achieve a 244% increase in landing page conversion rates.




The Email ‘Indoctrination’ Sequence

The first few emails that you send once people sign up are crucial. 


Firstly, because your open rates will be the highest. 

This is your opportunity to provide value and further enhance credibility…. While getting them pumped about the event. 

Your first email should include some background information and even fun stuff about you. 

For example if you have a hobby of collecting Coca-Cola memorabilia, you might want to share a photo of you and your whole collection. 

Photos of you with your pets and/or young children are great for rapport building.  

This serves to bring down the walls of unfamiliarity and makes you human. 

Tell stories about yourself – even slightly embarrassing but funny ones. 

Better still, tie those stories into a revelation or ‘aha’ moment that leads to the importance of the topic you’re going to talk about at the Webinar. 

Apart from your personal stories and photos, your indoctrination email sequence might also contain short training videos. 

For instance, if you are a sales coach, you could have: 

  • A video on how to overcome common sales objections 
  • A video on how to prevent ghosting 
  • A video on how to ask for the sale without feeling weird

An alternative to short training videos is to show case studies, testimonials and examples of students who have had wins with your system or method. 

This can all be part of your welcome, or indoctrination sequence, that’s 3 or 4 emails long. 

Remember, the goal here is to build more credibility and excitement as to what’s going to come in the main event. 


The Confirmation SMS

Once people register for your event, immediately send out a confirmation SMS. 
This is to start building familiarity with them via SMS – so that future SMS that you sent them are more likely to be recognized. 
Additionally, this reminds them that they have signed up for your event. 

You may also choose to get them to take action on the SMS – such as providing them the link to set a Google calendar reminder.


The Email + SMS Reminder Sequence


As the name suggests, the purpose of this email and SMS sequence is to remind people to show up. 

Remind them why they signed up in the first place, and what they need to prepare ahead of time (e.g. download a pdf workbook).  

Discuss what other people got from attending past events – show screenshots of testimonials. 

The reminder sequence can start 24 hours before the event or on the morning of the event itself. 

It can be a series of 7 to 12 emails and SMS.

It might sound like a lot, but even sending an email out 15 to 20 minutes after your webinar starts (to tell people it’s still not too late to join) – can get you more attendees. 


The Pre-Event Phone Call


 We have found that calling everyone who has registered for the Webinar can increase show-up rates by up to 100%.


It’s a time-consuming effort when you have hundreds of sign-ups.  

 But the effort is well worth it considering the cost of getting someone to sign up. 

 So what do you say when you’re calling people who’ve signed up for your webinar? 

 Here are a few tips: 

  •  Call to confirm that they did sign up for the Webinar
  • Confirm their email address is correct 
  • Leave an SMS or WhatsApp message to introduce who you are… and inform them that you tried reaching out. 
  • Confirm they know the time of the Webinar 
  • Confirm that they will be coming for the Webinar
  • Ask them what is the #1 thing they hope to get from the Webinar
  • Tell them you’ll be looking forward to see them on the Webinar

Each call should only take around 2 minutes. 

Considering the potential uplift in attendance, this is definitely an investment worth making. 

Train and pay freelancers to do it if you don’t have the time. 

Alternatively, you can consider a recorded voice calling service like Slybroadcast – which sends a voice recording directly to their voicemail without ringing.  


Potential Post-Webinar Events


Most coaches think that the Webinar is the last thing they need to do in the funnel.



Truth is, they are leaving a ton of money on the table. 

We have done quite a few tests to ‘extend’ our Webinar funnels to win additional sales. 

Here’s the idea behind it…

After your Webinar happens, there are 3 groups of people:  

1. Those who attended and bought
2. Those who attended but didn’t buy
3. Those who didn’t attend

The post-webinar follow-up sequence is focused on group 2 and 3 – to move them to a buying decision. 

Your buyers should enter a different email sequence. 

Please remember that each niche is different… so you might want to test one idea at a time and see what works best for you. 

At a minimum, start with a 7-day post-event sequence and eventually build it up to a 21-day sequence. 

Let’s take a look at some ways to ‘extend’ your webinar funnel.  


The Encore Webinar

The encore Webinar is basically doing the same webinar again – You can do it within 3 days of the original Webinar.
This tactic has given many of our clients a nice boost in sales.

Why do a Second Webinar?


Firstly, there will be a large percentage of your sign-ups who didn’t attend the first Webinar – this gives them a second chance to do it.

Secondly, you’ll find that some of our original participants will join you a second time.  They are likely to be interested and want to digest your information in more detail.

Thirdly, a second live event creates buzz and gives you an excuse to send more communication leading up to the event.

You might want to add a bonus topic to your second Webinar – as this will serve to attract more people to attend.


The Webinar Replay


People think that Webinar replays will help to convert group 3… but in reality it helps convert more of group 2. 

You’ll find that group 2 who attended the webinar may have missed out on parts of it – may want to go back and review it. 

They are probably still considering whether to take the next step with your business. 

So make sure you send your Webinar replay to both groups. 

It’s also good to have a deadline to watch the replay – a 24 to 48 hour deadline is a good timeframe to generate urgency to take action. 


The Executive Summary


The ‘executive summary’ is a summarized version of your Webinar.  This will cater to the busy people in group 3.

This video can be structured much like a VSL.

The call to action can be timed to appear when the offer is made in the video. 

A 15-25 minute video works best. 

The executive summary can be sent out after the replay is no longer available. 


The Re-Launch Sequence


The re-launch sequence works by splitting your Webinar content into 3 main points, along with a call to action. 

In summary here’s what happens: 

Day 1: Introduce the problem – talk about how point 1 helps solve part of the problem. 

Day 2: Introduce point 2 and how it solves part of the problem. 

Day 3: Introduce point 3 and how it solves the next part of the problem.

Day 4: Summary + action points + make offer 

You can choose to make a video for each of these days – OR you can simply have the content summarized in your emails. 

Each video or email should give valuable content to your prospects… This is not supposed to be 4 sales-pitching videos. 

Aim to have each video to be around 8-15 minutes long. 


The Close Cart Sequence


The purpose of the close cart sequence is to create urgency to action. 

 This sequence should be placed at the end of the funnel – so there is a deadline and final chance for people to act on your offer. 

 For this sequence to work effectively, you’ll need a hard deadline. 

 48 or 72 hours works well.

 There needs to be a consequence for not taking action. Eg. The product will no longer be offered; there will be a price increase or reduced bonuses. 

 You can add previously unannounced bonuses or discounts to push them across the line during the close cart sequence. 

 Have a sequence of 4-6 emails and SMS for this. 

 Here’s an example of how you might want to structure it: 

  • Email 1: Offer closing in 48 hours
  • Email 2: Are you still interested in getting <benefit>?
  • Email 3: Warning: 24 hours left
  • Email 4: Here’s what you’ll be missing out on tonight
  • Email 5: Prices go up at midnight
  • Email 6: Final Call – last hour to act

Some Final Tips on Webinar Funnels (and mistakes to avoid)



If there’s one thing you got from this chapter, make sure you plan your Webinar funnel so that the Webinar itself is not ‘the end of the line’. 

Treat the live Webinar as part of a sequence of marketing activities… that’s designed to move your prospects closer to make a purchasing decision. 

It’s important to remove your customer from the follow-up sequence once they take the next step. 

And don’t be afraid to be creative with your Webinar funnels – there are no set rules about when your funnel ends. 

You could even extend it to 45 or 60 days. 

You can even change the order of the funnel extensions that we’ve outlined in this blog post. 


Bottom line is, Webinar leads are pricey… so the smart move is to extend your Webinar funnel to get as many purchases as possible. 

This will get you the best return on ad spend. 

Keep experimenting and over time, you’ll be able to create a highly optimized Webinar funnel that helps your coaching business scale profitably. 

That said, here are some common mistakes to avoid when building your Webinar Funnel: 


1. Don’t forget your promotion plan


The best-constructed funnels are useless if there is not a good promotional plan to get people signing up and attending. 

Consider using ads or partners with email lists to get your webinar filled up. 


2. Not doing your financials


 Before we start running ads we will come up with financial projections for the Webinar funnel. 

 This way we are able to have some confidence in terms of how profitable our ad spend will be. 


3. Not testing your funnel


It’s important to stress-test your entire funnel before you launch. Nothing worse than discovering there is a problem with your payment processor, or that your email is directing people to the wrong page. Do this before launching and you could save yourself a bundle of unwanted stress and drama. 


4. Not following up


Probably enough has been said about this topic. But most coaches fall into the mistake of letting everything be ‘automated’. The most successful coaches not only have great follow-up automations… but also highly-trained and motivated sales teams that make appointments and close sales.


5. Forgetting to optimize


A Webinar funnel is not something that you can set and forget. 

Spending the time to observe, evaluate and optimize your Webinar funnel will help you to reap more profits and is well worth your time. 

Russell Brunson says that he spent over a year reviewing and refining his Webinar. 

If you want your Webinar and Webinar funnel to be a success – make sure you are constantly looking at ways to improve it. 


In conclusion, a Webinar funnel can be a highly profitable and scalable strategy for coaches… but it needs to be built the right way. 

I hope this article has given you new insights and ideas on how to construct a highly profitable Webinar funnel. 

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, check out Webinar Marketing Services

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