How Daniel Tolson’s AI Technology is Changing the Game in Personal Development


Have you ever felt like you’re holding yourself back?

Like there’s something deep within you that’s stopping you from reaching your full potential?

Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth, it can be frustrating to feel like you’re not making progress.


But what if I told you that there’s a technology out there that can help you overcome those subconscious beliefs and emotions that are holding you back? And what if I told you that it has already helped countless people achieve massive breakthroughs in their lives?


Enter Daniel Tolson, the founder of the Tolson Institute, and a man on a mission to help people achieve peak performance. But he’s not your average coach or therapist. Instead, he uses cutting-edge AI technology and NLP programming to help his clients overcome their limitations and reach their full potential.


The technology that Daniel uses is truly revolutionary. It measures emotional intelligence and helps to identify and remove subconscious beliefs and emotions that were created from the past. 


By doing so, it helps his clients achieve breakthroughs in their income, relationships, businesses, and careers.


But don’t just take my word for it. One of Daniel’s clients in Malaysia received three promotions and two pay rises within the first twelve months of using the technology. 


Another client discovered self-limiting beliefs that had been holding them back for 20 years and launched their business within the first 90 days of working with Daniel.


Sounds amazing? 


That’s what happens when you can identify beliefs and stories that are holding you back. 


Afterall success is one part mindset, one part strategy and one part effort. 


But how did Daniel come across this technology, and how did it help him personally? 


Well, it all started with his own struggles. For years, Daniel had been dealing with anger, frustration, and negative self-talk. He wasn’t even aware he was getting plagued by these emotions.


He even had to rely on government handouts to survive. 


It wasn’t until a doctor introduced him to the AI technology that measures emotional intelligence that he started to see real progress. And from there, he went on to found the Tolson Institute and help countless others achieve their own breakthroughs.

So if you’re feeling stuck, check out this interview where Daniel explains this groundbreaking technology.

Be sure to watch  the entire video below! 👇 

Video Transcript



Hey, Daniel, great to have you on this podcast episode. Now, for those of you who don’t know Daniel
Tolson, our guest today, let me do a quick introduction.

Daniel Tolson is the founder of the Tolson Institute, which helps executives and business owners to achieve peak performance. How he does that is by removing the underlying subconscious beliefs and emotions that were created from the past. And once those limiting beliefs and emotions are removed, they achieve massive
breakthroughs in their income, in their relationships, in their businesses and their careers. And you
know what’s the most amazing part? All this is done using AI technology and NLP programming. So instead of having to go to a therapist for years to resolve issues, most of these clients can get immediate results in as little as ten minutes.

All right, so that’s what we’re here to talk about with Daniel today, about this amazing new technology. So, Daniel, I’m super excited about this new technology, but first, can you tell me what some of your clients have achieved with this technology? I’m so excited to hear about it, -Hello mate. Well, the results are phenomenal. One of our clients in Malaysia, she has received three promotions and two pay rises in the first twelve months of using this technology. We’ve got other clients here who have discovered self-limiting beliefs that have
been holding them back for 20 years.

And they’ve got rid of 20 years of self-limiting beliefs, they’ve launched their businesses, and within the first 90 days of business, they’ve been doing artwork for multimillion-dollar and multinational companies. I’ve got PhDs, I’ve got doctors using this technology and they’ve felt stuck in their careers for 25 and 30 years. And once they understood what was holding them back and how they could utilize their strengths to move them forward, they’ve started to go out and acquire hundreds of millions of dollars of donations for their universities.

 So what they’re being able to achieve in just a very short time is mind blowing. One of my clients said the
other day, she said, Daniel, my dream was to be an artist. And I’ve known I’ve had this dream for 20
years. And because of my own bullshit stories, I’ve put it off. I’ve put it off, I’ve put it off. I’ve told
myself that I’m not good enough, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have
enough support, I’m not good looking enough.

And once she started to use this technology, she realised that they were just all bullshit stories. And it was certain parts of her personality that were holding her back. Not her talent, not her skill, not her knowledge, but just those inner beliefs. And she’s now creating artwork for multimillion dollar and multinational businesses. Just one new idea at the right time, just catapulted it forward. That’s pretty crazy. I mean, I never thought that my looks
would affect my income, but, hey, that’s quite phenomenal. Yeah.

Daniel, how did you come across this process and how did it help you on a personal level? Mate I’d been struggling for years. I had a lot of anger, I had a lot of frustrations, and I had a lot of negative self talk. And it wasn’t something that just happened automatically. It had been something that had been happening for years, and it was in the middle of the pandemic. It was like 2020. And I was reached out to by a doctor, and he
said, Daniel, I know you’re in the field of personal development. I know you’re the best at what you
do. Have you heard about this technology? And I said, what’s? The technology?

And he mentioned this artificial intelligence technology that could measure emotional intelligence. Now, I’ve been
working with people for years in the field of emotional intelligence, but I’ve never heard of artificial
intelligence that could measure emotional intelligence. So he said, Daniel, if you use this technology,
all you’ve got to do is do a 92nd voice recording. And this technology will analyze your brainwave
frequencies. It’ll predict your personality styles. It’ll show me what are the frequent and core
emotions that you’re experiencing, and it’ll show me all the significant emotional events that you’ve
been through from now I’m 42 all the way back to the time of birth. 

And I heard that I got, come on, you got to be kidding. You got to be pulling my leg. I’ve been doing thousands of scientific reports on people, on emotional intelligence, yet I’ve never heard this. And he said, look, just do a 92nd voice recording, send it through, and I’m going to give you a 14 page scientific report. And he bought this
report back, and I’ve got it sitting there with me. And he bought it back, and he said, Daniel, these
core emotions that you’re experiencing are fear and anxiety.

 You’ve also got a lot of anger. And I’m like, well, I’ve felt like that. But nobody’s ever diagnosed or said to me that these are the emotions that are holding you back. And he also said, One of your personality styles is the perfectionist. And we started to go back through this perfectionist personality style, where there’s a lot of anger,
there’s a lot of frustration, there’s a lot of fear. And then I started to realize that I had a life pattern
of self harm, and I realized that I’d been harming myself, but it was out of my conscious awareness.
And so it was in the middle of the pandemic that I had my biggest breakthrough, that I discovered
one of my biggest mental blockages. 

And as he took me through the report, I could see the same
problem repeating itself over and over and again. But what was fascinating was the root cause was
happening in the first seven years of my life, a period of my life that I wasn’t even aware of. But the
report brought it back into awareness, and I could start to correct these behaviors. And once I
corrected that, my business started to grow, my results started to grow, but I also started to feel a
lot of emotional stability for myself. 

So it actually helped you to pinpoint the exact event thaappened that caused this pattern. Do you want to see it? Yeah, sure. Well, it’s just so hard to believe that it’s like something like this actually exists. Yeah, well, I’ve been in this field for a decade and I believe that we’re all ignorant. And ignorant means we just don’t know what we don’t know. And I didn’t realize this technology was out there. So what you can see here on the left hand side
was I did this voice analysis. So 90-second voice recording. 

The AI technology measures 1440 emotional triggers. And this is just through your brainwaves. Now, what I didn’t know was that when you’re speaking, your brain waves can actually be picked up in your voice. And through the microphone, the AI technology, it can analyze it. So the first thing here that I learned about myself
was my core emotion was I was lacking self-confidence. Now, if you would have asked me if I was a
confident person, I would have sworn black and blue that I was confident. 

I could have told you that I’ve been an Australian champion athlete. I’ve co-led a team of 17,500 thousand people. I’ve been on television, I can speak on stage in front of thousands of people. And I would have told you that I was confident person. But the technology said that I was actually lacking confidence in a lot of these
key areas. And the second thing, it says that I would be very hard on myself. Now, that was a big
realization because I’m my own biggest critic. And then the report went on to let me know that my
personality style was a perfectionist.

Now, I would consider myself as a risk taker, but I would have never seen myself as a perfectionist. And so it says that I’d be too hard on myself and eventually hard on others. And because these emotions haven’t been attended to, I’d have angry outbursts how, being very prideful. I’d never tell people that I get angry, but it was like this technology knew my inner secret and I get frustrated and I was getting angry and I was self-harming. So the doctor told me this and I was tight lipped because I didn’t really want to admit it. And then he said, Daniel,

the technology also shows you your emotional life journey. And it’s measured these angry outbursts
and this lack of confidence, and it keeps repeating itself both between ages of zero through to ages
eleven, while it tells you your age when that happened. Yeah. So the technology can measure these
emotional frequencies that haven’t been attended to from the time of birth all the way up to now.
So these bars here each represent around about three to four years of my life. 

And it’s where these core emotions keep getting triggered. And essentially what it says is where you can see these red ones here is these emotions are being triggered, but they’re not being resolved. So essentially, I was
just repressing them. And you weren’t conscious that you were doing that? Totally out of my
awareness. And here I am as a coach and teaching others how to manage their emotions, but I was
actually repressing mine. I say to people, Terrence, I say, I could be the world’s best brain surgeon, I
could be Asia’s best brain surgeon, but I can’t operate on my own brain. 

And so as a coach, I’m coaching others how to manage their emotions, but I was actually struggling with mine. And once I had that awareness, I quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together. So if I show you this period just
here, these angry outbursts and this lack of confidence had started from around about age 31 all the
way up to age 42. And as I went through with the doctor, we started to have a look at these key
areas. Well, it was at age 31 that my fiance was involved in an accident on an aircraft. And for two
and a half years, she was in major reconstructive surgeries. 

So we were living on one and a half incomes. I had applied for promotions to leadership and got rejected multiple times. Finally, when I did get accepted to leadership, she then lost her job, she lost her income stream. We almost lost our daughter to miscarriage three times. Well, my wife had to move from Dubai back to Taiwan, and at age 32, I had to decide, do I move back to Taiwan for the birth of our daughter or do I keep working?
And I chose love. But when I chose love, I lost my career and I lost my income. And you can see that
these emotions keep going up. Up. The following year, I spent all of my savings trying to build my
business. By the end of that year, I’m 33 and I’m on Social Security. 2014, I’m building this business,
but the market collapsed and I lost all of my investment.

 I’m selling my personal belongings, my car,my wetsuit, and literally had three bags. My entire life history lived in three bags. And so at age 33, I lost everything again. And then as we came into the Pandemic, I also was traveling around the world. So pre Pandemic, I was planning to start a new business in Australia, and I’d been gearing up to go there, and I was spending months of time, months of time away from my family. So all of these

motions I wasn’t managing at that stage. And then, of course, the Pandemic came along and
triggered it all off again. And so once I could see this anger and this lack of confidence here, it made
sense of why I was so afraid to make more decisions. What if I try? What if I fail? Can I really put in
more money? What if I lose it all again? Do I want to start again at 42? And so I bought a lot of that
to the surface, which meant it was back in my control and I could start to work on it. Right, thank
you so much for watching our video. Just a quick interruption to remind you if you are watching this
on YouTube, to like and subscribe and check out all our other videos on the channel. 

And if you’re checking out this video on our blog post, make sure you check out all the other blog posts on our
website. So thank you so much and back to the rest of the video. So I have a question, right? So if,
like, say I want to fake it during the test, that 90 seconds, or I have a very happy day for that day,
does it affect the results of the test? Well, that’s what I love about this, because the answer is no. If
we do other reports, like if we do a disk report or if we do a sales IQ report, there’s a level of
personal bias because I can read that question on the screen and I can answer accordingly. 

So if I want to make myself look different in a job interview, I can fake it. But because when we use this
technology, it’s measuring the brainwave frequencies, not what you say, it’s measuring frequency.
You can’t fake it. So what we do in the voice recording, it doesn’t matter what the person does in the
voice recording, as long as we capture 90 seconds of voice, they could count from one to 100 or one
from 100 to one. They could do it in Chinese, they could do it in Malay, they could do it in Arabic.
What matters is not the language, it’s the brainwave frequency. And so there’s no bias, which makes
it the most advanced technology that’s been created, because you can’t trick the system. That’s
amazing. So once you get this report, Daniel, what happens next? 

Obviously now, say, for example, I did it and I realize I’ve got this problem, what happens next? Well, the first thing, when it comes to coaching it’s, you’ve got to make the unknown known. And so we say you can’t fix a problem that you don’t know that you have. So, first of all, it brings awareness to the problem. And once you have awareness, sometimes awareness of the problem is enough to start resolving it. So as soon as you’re
aware of it, you’ve now got control over it. There’s an old saying, if you can’t name it, you can’t tame
it. So it comes back into your conscious awareness.

I don’t know if you’ve had this experience before you wear your favorite pair of jeans, you put them in the washing machine. You put them in the cupboard and you don’t wear them for a couple of months. You come back in, you put your jeans on, you put your hand in your pocket, and you find $100. You go, wow, I didn’t know it was that lucky before. But yeah, maybe $5. Yeah, $5. Okay, you’ll have to come to one of my programs. We’ll teach you more.

And so you put your hands in your pocket and you realize the money’s there. Now, the
money was always there, but you didn’t know it, so you couldn’t do anything with it. So this
technology brings it back into your awareness. And then with a system of coaching using things like
NLP or Timeline Therapy, you can quickly change those behavioral patterns in under ten minutes. So
in those 10 minutes, what do I need to do? I just sit and listen? Or do I need to do some exercises, or
what do I need to do? 

Well, the way the mind works is there’s six things you can do in your mind. You can create pitches, you can make sounds, you can create feelings. Of course, you can remember smells and tastes and self talk. So what we do is we help you change the pictures inside of your mind. So through a process called NLP, we change the way that you encode those memories. So we can change the way you think about memories. Once you do that, automatically your feelings change. And so we really teach the mind how to substitute a negative thought for a positive thought.

And once you do that again, that changes the feelings. So we might use some active imagination. We
might even use some processes like Timeline Therapy, where we remove emotions like anger or fear
from past events. And when we remove that anger and fear, it disappears immediately and it never
comes back. And that happens in about eight minutes during a coaching process. So I’ll give you
some instructions. You’ll recall an event from the past that has been holding you back.

We’re going to teach the mind how to rethink about that. And we’ll do what’s called a psychological reframe.
Once we reframe the mind, then you have a new perception, you have new thoughts, then your
feelings change. And then instead of procrastinating, you’re taking action towards your goals. Right?
So this technology basically helps people to identify those limiting beliefs, those incidents that are
stopping them from actually achieving more income, more success, improvement in their career, job
promotions, et cetera, et cetera. Right? I just want to know, in your estimation, how many percent
of the population is unaware that or are unaware that they have some of these limiting beliefs, some
of these things that are holding them back from achieving more in life?

And statistically Terence, it’s 84%. It’s been scientifically proven that 84% of the adult population have a feeling of unfulfilled potential. They know that they should be further ahead in life. By now, they should be further ahead in their career. They should have more stability for them and their family. But they have this feeling
of unfulfilled potential for some people. They feel like the handbrakes on other people describe it
like a glass ceiling. They go, Daniel, I’ve got like, this glass ceiling. I can see what the next level looks
like, but I just can’t break through it to get there. And it’s 84% of the adult population, and we’ve
known this since the late 1980s, right?

But only now we have the technology to quickly, within like,
90 seconds, discover what is the issue that’s really holding them back, and then after that ten
minutes, to start igniting a transformation. Well, the interesting thing is we’ve had the technology,
the technology, the mind we’ve known about for hundreds of years. But unfortunately, what
psychologists tell us, they say it takes 50 years to get over the first five years of our life. And it was
like me in the middle of the pandemic. I was 40, and I’m still struggling with those things that happen
in the first few years of my life. So it’ll take the average person about 50 years to get over the first
five years of their life.

But thanks to the changes in technology today, thanks to AI technology,
thanks to voice recognition, we can do a voice recording in 90 seconds. We can get the results back
within a split second after the voice recording, and we can tell you exactly what’s holding you back
with science. Not guesswork, not opinion, not with tarot cards, not with voodoo. It’s with science.
And there’s no second guessing it. And that’s the technology we have today. And it’s been the
missing link for a lot of people. We know how the mind works since 1930s. We know that we can
change the way we think, but people aren’t aware of which thoughts they need to change. And that
was the big breakthrough for me, was when I got the technology, it showed me exactly what I had to
focus on, just that one thing that I had to work on right now.

Once I broke through that, then all the goodness started to happen, right? So, I mean, in a lot of cases in the past, from what I and I know, anyway, it’s like you have to go to therapist. You go back for months, years, and then before they try and fix you, and you have all these string sessions where you’re talking to the guy. But now you don’t need that. Because the thing is that only 15% of your motivation comes from the past, and fully 85%
comes from the future. And if you talk about how you got broken, if you go through counseling and
psychology for years, it actually doesn’t solve the problem. And Sigmund Freud said psychology is
only for the rich.

Because what happens with talk therapy, you keep talking about the problem over
and over and over and again, and then you become an expert on the problem, and then they give
you a diagnosis, and then you say, I’ve got depression. But it doesn’t change it. You’ve still got it. The
beauty about this process, we change the way that you think. We have 60,000 thoughts a day. 95%
are on repeat, and 80% of those repeated thoughts are negative in nature. So if you keep thinking
the same thoughts, you’ll keep feeling depressed and you’ll keep procrastinating. But once you know
exactly which thoughts that you need to work on, then as soon as you change the way that you
think, you change the way you feel and where you used to procrastinate, now you’re taking massive
action every day. And it happens that fast.

You don’t have to talk about how you’re broken. You don’t have to talk about those events in the past, because the mind works in a certain order and sequence. And once you reshape the thoughts, immediately, you get the results, and it’s under ten minutes. You can do it. Amazing. So, Daniel, here’s a big question, right? I’m sure some of our listeners would want to get access to this technology, right? How do they get it and how much does
it cost? I understand we may have a special deal for listeners today to get access to this technology.
Normally, I sell this technology for $497, along with my expert opinion, but I want to give you the
opportunity to experience it for yourself for $97, which is going to save you $400.

 And this could be something that people have been struggling for years, since their childhood. Could be something that uncle said accidentally, and it could be manifesting in all these different ways, which is limiting
us, and we have no idea. We carry around our emotional baggage every single day. I remember a
boss saying, Daniel, leave it at the door. Don’t bring it to work. Leave it at home. Well, wherever you
go, there you are. And if you’ve got a personal pain that you’ve been carrying for you for years,
maybe you’ve been abused physically, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, maybe you’ve lost a loved
one, you just can’t leave that at the door. It’s not physical baggage, it’s emotional baggage.

So for people who have had setbacks, they’ve had failures, they’ve had a lot of disappointments, it brings a
lot of clarity to their life, because they say, oh, wow, that thing there I now have to resolve. And they
start to know that one thing. So it happens so fast. I’m talking, like 90 seconds. You can complete
your voice recording today. Our AI technology can analyze it. I can get a 13 page report on my desk
within minutes, and then I can show you exactly where you’re held back. You don’t have to do years
of therapy. You just have to spend minutes with me, and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to work
on. What you need to do first, what you need to do second, and what’s really important, what you
don’t have to do at all. This is not lifetime stuff. This is happening in moments because of

Well, I mean, that’s a pretty crazy offer. I mean, $97, we’re not just talking the report and the voice AI thing, but they’re getting one on one time with you as well, where you’re actually explaining the whole thing about it with them. I’ll take you through cover to cover, and there’s so much to learn here. The first thing we’re going to learn is we’re going to learn about what makes you stressed. There’s 5 types of different stress, and it’s going to pinpoint exactly what stresses you.

I’m going to show you what’s called your musical note personality style. This determines how fast you
start taking action, and it determines how fast you finish. And a lot of people feel conflicted because
sometimes they start really fast, but finish slowly. I’m going to show you how to set your goals so
they’re in alignment with your personality type.

I’ll also show you how your left and right brain is processing emotions. And what happens is people are very aware of what’s happened. But in the right brain that processes the emotions, the brain’s actually not functioning correctly. And so I can show you how your left and right brain is processing emotions. And if it’s not balanced, then I can tell you exactly what you need to do. So that’s exciting because most people can. You see your brain working, most people can’t, but the technology does. We’ll show you your introversion and
extroversion levels because a lot of people, they say, Daniel, I’m an introvert. Well, what happens is
with the introvert, they find it very hard to express their emotions. |

So people assume they’re always fine. And that was like me. I was introvert, fourth degree. I’d been experiencing these feelings my whole life, but I couldn’t express it externally, so everybody assumed I was okay when I was not. Where other people just can’t control the emotion, that’s always overflowing. So I will show you how
you express emotion. I’ll show you your personality styles. I’ll also show you your enneagram. Your
enneagram determines your personality type, the person you are today, and it will also show you
the person that you want to become in the future. And that was my big breakthrough because I had
two different personality styles.

One was the perfectionist, and that was where the self-harm was coming from. And that was because when I was younger, I had a lot of learning disabilities and I was always punished for making mistakes, right? And what happened was I kept repeating that self-punishment 30, 40 years later, and I wasn’t even aware of it. And that was the big breakthrough. So as soon as I was aware of that and I understood what the perfectionist did, when they made a mistake, immediately those behaviors stopped. And so that was 40 years of pain that I discovered in moments. It also showed me my winning characteristics, and I know I’m a winner.

3-time State Champion Athlete, Australian Champion Athlete. I’ve co-led a team of 17,000 people. I’ve helped
20,000 people. And I know that I’m a winner, but I didn’t know how to use that personality style. So
what would happen was, because I’m so competitive, people actually got turned off, and I didn’t
realize that I was exhibiting this personality to other people. And once I started to tame that, more
customers come to me because they didn’t always feel everything was a competition.

Plus, my relationship at home got better. I’ll show you your core emotions. No more second guessing. You’ll
just know exactly which ones are being activated right now. And then I’ll show you how to pinpoint
them throughout your entire life and then the steps to overcome them. And that’s what we’re going
to do together. And you’ll learn more about yourself in an hour with me than you could possibly
through 2030 or even 40 years of self-reflection. You’ll know more about yourself in an hour.

That’s amazing. And this is just $97. And if you’re listening to this now, I suggest you just click the button
somewhere below in the show notes to get access to this. But okay, Daniel, final question. Like, who
should go for this report and why should they go for this report? Beautiful. Well, I think a lot of
people were in the exact same position as me. I always felt that I should be further ahead in life at
that age. I was 41. I always felt I should be further ahead.

And so this system showed me how to get to that next level. Secondly, if your goal is to get a promotion in your career, it’ll show you your personality type, and I’ll teach you how to leverage that so you can get more promotions. And finally, if you want to create more emotional and financial stability, this system will show you how to leverage your unique talents and how to make it happen faster. Okay, well, Daniel, that was a
fascinating session.

Thank you so much for your time. So, yeah, I hope you guys take Daniel’s offer, because there’s only a few available, and take full advantage of him, and you get to talk one on one with him through the whole report. And I think that’s is going to be phenomenal because I’m going to take one myself, too. So thank you, Daniel, for your time, and we’ll see you on the next podcast.

I’ll see you soon. Thank you.

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1 thought on “How Daniel Tolson’s AI Technology is Changing the Game in Personal Development”

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