High Ticket Coaching Funnel #1: The On-Platform Funnel

On Platform Funnel 1- blog

Need to set up a sales funnel ASAP, but got no time?

Then the ‘On-Platform Funnel’ is for you!

All you need is a working ad, a social media platform to run ads on, and a process for buttering up your leads and reaching out to them with an offer.

Listen to today’s podcast to learn all about a funnel that’s:

  • Quick and simple to set up – no Web pages needed!
  • Gets you cheap leads (because of the way on-platform ads work…)
  • Gives decent returns once you follow up on each lead

If you’re low on time and resources, or just want to test out a new offer..

… Then the On-platform Funnel does an admirable job of getting you a ton of leads – when done the right way.

Get Cheaper Leads with the ‘On-Platform’ Funnel

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Video Transcript

Introduction – Hi, this is Terence here from Radical Marketing. In this video series, I want to present to you 8 high-ticket coaching funnels that you can use in your coaching business to get high-ticket clients.

The On-Platform Funnel – The first one today I’m going to present to you is called the on-platform funnel. Now, before I dive into it, I just want to let you know that this is from my new book that is called Lead Search, which you can download the entire book for free in the description below. So, make sure you do that after you watch this video, all right? But so, let’s get into it. Let’s get into the first funnel that we’re going to talk about today.

Understanding Funnels – First of all, some of you may not even be aware of what funnels are, so let’s do a really quick explanation of what funnels are. Funnels are a process that moves prospects along a customer journey, taking them one step closer at a time to making a purchase, right? So, every interaction that you make with the customer brings them one step closer to making that purchase with you. That is what are funnels, right? It’s basically a marketing and sales process.

Exploring the On-Platform Funnel – So, let’s get into it as to what is the first funnel, all right? Good news about this funnel, it’s super simple. It’s called the on-platform funnel. So, what are on-platform funnels? Basically, it is like if you’ve run ads before on Facebook, right? You can run what you call lead ads. So, what that enables you to do is basically to get an ad up, and when customers sign up on that ad, they don’t need to go to a new page, right? They can actually sign up on Facebook itself. So, what this does, it minimizes your time to actually set up all these pages and all that kind of stuff, and it’s really good to just get things up really quickly, right? So, this is why I call it the on-platform funnel, right?

Utilizing the On-Platform Funnel – So, in essence, what you have is an ad, and that ad may promise something for free, right? Usually, it would be a free download. Say, for example, you’re a real estate property investing coach, right? What you can do is maybe you offer them a free download that details the 12 mistakes that people commonly make when they invest in the first property, for example, right? So, when people actually click on that and they download it, you now have the contact details. Once you have the contact details, then the whole idea there is you need to interact with them, okay? Whether it is through a series of emails that are automated, or you actually have a sales team reaching out to these people to make contact with them, whether via the phone, via SMS, or WhatsApp, or any other channel to actually reach out to these people to further deepen that interaction to move them to the purchase, all right?

Example of Success – So, we have used this extensively for some of our clients, and while it may seem simple, some of our clients have actually gotten pretty decent results from it. But the key I must emphasize is the follow-up, because it is highly unlikely that someone downloads a free report from you and immediately says, yeah, I want to invest in your high-ticket offer. That usually does not happen, all right? Very rarely that happens. So, you need to make sure you have that interaction, plan after that to make sure you actually follow up with them and actually move them along the customer journey.

A Client Success Story – With that said, let me give you a quick example. So, this example here was for a client that actually sold wine as an investment asset, right? So, we’re talking a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars for one investment, okay? So, the whole thing here is we just basically wanted them, offered them a prospectus of, you know, the ins and outs of investing in wine, right? So, basically, once they click on this ad, they would basically be asked to say, all right, get your information brochure, enter your email and phone number, and we’ll send it over to you, okay? And then what happened was there was a series of emails that followed up with this prospect, and after one week of emails of indoctrinating the prospect, then the client would then pick up the phone and start calling these people, okay? And the results were pretty good. They got a very positive return on their investment, all right? So, that is, in essence, an on-platform funnel, which is super simple to set up, right? As you can see, no massive programming required. It’s fairly simple to set up.

Pros of On-Platform Funnels – So, let’s dive into some of the pros and cons of using an on-platform funnel. So, the pros are, first of all, you get pretty cheap leads, like, depending on the platform, it’s usually cheaper than if you direct them to a landing page, for example, and get them to sign up there. So, in essence, you get cheaper leads, right? And why is that so? It’s because all the social media platforms, they want people to stay on their platform. So, if you have ads that do not direct people away from the social media platform, you are rewarded by these social media platforms. That’s why lead ads or these on-platform ads, where you capture the contact details, are much cheaper, okay? It’s a pretty quick setup. As I said, you don’t need to have, like, pages and landing pages and thank you pages and all that stuff. So, the setup is much quicker, right? You don’t need any landing page software, as I just mentioned, and it’s great for testing offers. So, say, for example, you have a new offer and you’re not sure, hey, I’m not sure whether this offer is good or whether offer A is better or offer B is better. Then, if you want some data, it’s really great for testing this, right? So, we often use it for testing as well.

Cons of On-Platform Funnels – Okay, so those are the pros. So, let’s jump into some of the cons as well. Generally, you get lower quality leads because people don’t need to go to a page and usually the form is auto-filled by Facebook or whatever platform you’re using. So, all they need to do is basically click once and click twice and then bam, they’ve signed up, right? So, the barrier to actually get signed up is very, very low. The effort required is very low and when the effort is low, usually you get lower quality leads, okay? I’m not saying all the time, but it’s a rule of thumb, okay? And it does require follow-up emails and interactions and SMSs, whatever it is, right? You need to follow up. If you do not follow up, you’re basically wasting your money here, okay? So, you have to plan the backend follow-up very, very well. Otherwise, this is not going to work, okay? And the third thing is it


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