Email Marketing Profits Part 4

Email Marketing Profits Part 4

In this final part of our email marketing series, we look at actual examples of Nurturing as well as Sales emails.

Regardless of the type of emails you’re using, being consistent with your email marketing campaigns is important so that you’re not far from the customer’s “radar” when they need your product or service.

Providing lots of useful content will also improve your rapport with your customers, and they’ll know that you’re not just “after the sale.”

Video Transcript

Right. So what happens is, if you recall, first, they download the freebie. They get an acknowledgment and thank you email to actually download the stuff.

Second thing is now they have entered into your 5 day sequence, right? So those 5 emails go out once a day. 

Why you want to go out once a day?

It’s because to get them familiar with you and get them used to getting your emails on a frequent basis.

Because if you leave it one a week right, basically after the first few days, people will forget about you already. So you want to make sure you hit them hard at the start.

And if people want to unsubscribe, that’s fine too, because they are probably not going to buy from you anyway if they unsubscribe so early. So don’t worry about those unsubscribes. OK.

You want to make sure you cater to the 90% of people who like your stuff, right? So send out those 5 emails, one after another after they sign up for your lead magnet.

#3 Nurturing emails.

OK. So what I suggest is just useful content, useful emails that you’re not pitching anything. You’re not selling anything. OK.

So I do this right now once a week, but I want to ramp it up to be more frequent. So email your list once a week at least, alright?

Even if you outsource – go to Fiverr, get someone to write an article for you. Put it on a blog post and send out that email once a week. Do it!

“OK, so Fiverr is this freelance website that you can get people to do stuff for 5 bucks or 10 bucks or 20 bucks kind of thing, right? They can write articles. Not a problem. I suggest you find those that charge at least $15, $20 to write an article. Don’t do $5 articles because they really suck.”

OK, so make sure you email your list once a week.
Otherwise, they will forget about you.
Ideally, now this is going to freak most of you out, it’s 3 to 7 times a week.

The top marketers will email their list every day. The top internet marketers, I see, are emailing their list every day and not with sales emails, but actually nurturing emails for the most part.

I think 7 days a week is probably a bit extreme. Maybe 3 to 4 times a week. That’s kind of like where I’m comfortable with. So yeah, but then again, it depends on your industry. OK? But at the very least, once a week, OK?

You can also do some soft selling in these emails. But mainly it is useful content.

OK, so let me give you a quick example of a nurturing email.

First of all, before we go into that,
how do you come up with so many topics to write about?

I think it’s important to be observant, or to get your marketing person to be observant. Look at what’s in the news. OK, what’s happening in the news right now? OK? Whether it’s to do with the stock market, or to do with the oil in the economics field. Whether it’s to do with some celebrity.

Whether it’s to do with some politician, but be careful with politics. Obviously, don’t take a stand, right? Whether it’s to do with something that happened, a hot topic, right? Put your take on that and write on that topic.

OK, and it could be from your own personal daily experience. Where you go and something happens to you on the street or you observe something. And what are the lessons from that? And you can share that with your, basically to your audience? OK?

We talked about the hot topics. OK, so these are the things that I guess it’ll humanize you as well. If you share more about also your feelings about things, your fears, your desires, your thoughts and all that kind of stuff that’s related to what you are doing, obviously.
For me, I guess it’s kind of easier because I’m in internet marketing. I can kind of relate anything back to marketing, right?

So for you guys, maybe some of you like Chris selling kitchens. Yeah, maybe a little bit trickier, but you can still say, you know, relate daily stuff to selling kitchens as well – kitchen cabinets.

Like, for example, about how you saw someone that seemed to have it all but actually was hollow inside and how that can apply to kitchens where a lot of kitchens look good on the outside, but actually, they actually have all these termite issues or whatever pest problems, right? So yeah, you can also relate that to products as well.

So let’s share feelings and emotions. I think that can be very powerful because when people relate with your feelings, with emotions, that’s where you build real trust and real connections.

So this is a nurturing email, so I actually created a video for this one. So you can also create videos if you’re so inclined. I just want to show you a video example. Here, I use a lot of metaphors, which is like “Wolves hunt in packs. Elephants roam in herds. Superheroes fight in teams. There’s strength in numbers. That’s why, you know, I made this video for you. Go ahead and watch it now.”

OK, so actually, this is not so much a nurturing email. This was for people who attended my webinar, but I’ve made it so that it adds value as well. OK, so there is content in the video as well, OK? And also with the text that I wrote. It’s also got content, but you know, just keep an eye on my mailing list because we generate regular content as well.

OK, so this is probably not the best example, but I just want to show you a video as well so that you don’t just think text you can actually do video as well. So for a lot of you who sell products, for example, you can do like walk throughs with video, right?

So you can demonstrate how your product works by actually getting it out with a skin cream. If you’re a real estate agent like Rebecca is, you can actually go and do a tour of the property you’re selling, right?

Go in and show people each room and tell them, Hey, imagine you can have your bed here. You can have your sofa here, that kind of stuff. Right? So, yeah, I just want to give you also that you can do a video. All right.

#4 Selling emails.

OK. So ultimately, it’s just not about nurturing, right? So I see it this way.

Like emails, it’s like you’re very much like a farmer where you’re planting the seeds, right? Which is where you have your lead magnet download.

You’re nurturing it with your first “get to know you” sequence and then you’re watering it. You’re adding fertilizer with your nurture emails all the time, right? And then it’s growing, growing.

And then now the selling emails is where you can pluck the apples off the tree. So the selling emails is the harvesting part, right?

> So first of all, you can do maybe once a month,

you can do a new sequence which where you’re actually like launching a new product, right?

So say, for example, you’re launching a new health care product, you can have a sequence of 3 emails. The first email is where you educate people about the opportunity or the product and make a soft pitch for the offer.

> > Then second email is where you go harder on the offer.

You tell them about all the benefits of the offer. Why it’s so good. Why they’re getting a discount now, and they need to act immediately.

> > > And third one is the deadline.

It’s more like a last chance email. This is the last chance. Better go and get it now, because after this, you’ve got to pay like double the price or whatever it is, and we have limited quantities and so on. OK.

So it’s a sequence of maybe 3 emails that you can send over 3 days. That will actually get the most results for you as opposed to a lot of people, they just send out one email and expect to get sales. OK. You do get sales, but it’s not so effective, right?

So that’s a launch style sequence. So the launch style email, I’m giving you a simple one, right? Where there’s only 3 emails.

There have been cases where in the past I have done like a 14 day sequence. A 14 day sequence, and I got a lot of sales, but I also got a lot of unsubscribes, so that also can be done.

Where you’re kind of telling a story so like, you know Day 1 is part 1 of the story. Day 2, part 2 of story. Day 3, part 3 of the story and so on, and then you bring in some other stuff here and there. So I just want to open your mind that it’s not necessarily just 3 emails, OK.

Then the other ones are the soft-sell style emails.

So this is the one where you have the least unsubscribes, but also maybe the least sales. Now the soft-sell email is more like OK, at the start of the email, it’s very nurturing as well.

You’re giving value and then you pivot towards making a sale. Halfway through the email, you kind of change your, not change your tone, but you’re basically saying, OK, see, you can do this. You know, this is one way you can fix your neck problem. These three exercises, and then you pivot to say, OK, in some cases, you know, many people have done these exercises, they feel some relief. But, you know, they don’t get rid of it 100%.

If you want us to check what’s wrong with your neck pain, please come in for a free diagnostic or a free test or something or treatment or something. So that’s how the soft-sell emails work, right?

So you’re giving value at the start. But then you change it to becoming the helpful person. But at the same time, you’re pitching your product, OK?

And think about it when you’re having selling emails, right? Think about what special days there are. Babies and Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s what kind of President’s holiday or you know your customer’s birthday. Even your birthday, your son’s birthday, your wife’s birthday.

OK, whatever day, you know you can Google and say, you know, if you’re just well out of excuses, what to do? Just Google and say, what kind of holiday is on this week? And then you just use that holiday. So right now could be the Ramadan special, right? And that kind of stuff. So, yeah, just find out what’s happening.

So between the nurturing emails and the selling emails,
the ratio should be about around 4 to 1.

So for every 4 emails that you send that are nurturing, you send out 1 email that is focused on sales because most people, what they will do is like you know once you get on their list, they’ll only send you emails when they’re selling you stuff and that, you know, it’s annoying as hell if you’re the recipient.

And secondly, you know, after a while, you won’t even read the emails anymore. Right? So that’s why it’s so important to balance it out with 4 nurturing emails to 1 sales email.

OK, so I just want to give you a quick example of a sales email, OK, which is kind of like a nurture turned into the sales pitch kind of thing. So, you know, first of all, you can see I talk about what was relevant.

So if you can see this was about 20 days ago when oil prices were going negative. So I talk about the oil prices going negative, right? Make it relevant and the stock market recovery losing steam. Right. That was happening that week. We may be in for some painful and uncertain times.

We talk about, you know, wars breaking out, potential pain. OK, so that’s the ugly. Then I don’t want people to become, staying in the negative state because in the negative state, they’re not going to buy anything. Right?

So I switch it over to OK, from the ugly to the beautiful, and I switch to the good news. Your competitors are likely to be hiding. Ad costs a lot lower than normal. Your prospects are way more reachable. When the lockdowns ease, central banks are pumping so much money in the economy. Boom times will return.

OK, so now’s the time to get aggressive. Build goodwill and relationships with your prospects. So when they’re ready to spend, you are their number one choice.

Then I pitch to going into the webinar, right? So where I’m sharing my top 10 ideas and strategies and generate sales. Make sure you sign up here for this free webinar. And then I kind of – the “beautiful” word corresponds to here, so I kind of tie it all up? Right?

So negative first scare people, right? Because fear is a great motivator, right? Who knows that?

So let me give you an example. I say, Hey Peter, you’re sitting on this chair, but I suggest you sit on that chair, which is more comfortable. Chances of you getting up and sitting there is like, Yeah, you will do it, but you’re going to do it maybe slowly. You got to think about it kind of stuff.

But if I light a fire on your chair, you’re going to change chairs pretty quickly, right? And that’s the whole thing with fear. OK, so here we get their attention using fear and then we kind of swap it over to pleasure.

And yeah, one thing is always have a P.S. I like having a P.S. in the emails because sometimes people who skip the whole thing or read little bits and go to the P.S., OK, so make sure your P.S. is strong when you write your emails.

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