7 Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Businesses Faster for Coaches

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Having sleepless nights just thinking of ways to effectively grow your business?

In this episode, we’re giving you the quick and dirty guide to do just that: 7 digital marketing strategies to outsmart your competitors and skyrocket your sales.

You’ll learn:

  • How to ATTRACT people with a lead magnet
  • Why VSLs can help you build trust and authority
  • How to engage with your email subscribers (and get them to remember you!)
  • …and other practical ways to build your brand… while filling your bank accounts

Terence: [00:00:00] Today, I want to share with you seven marketing strategies that every business needs in 2024 if you want to outsmart your competition and grow your business faster. So while all these seven strategies work in a synergistic way, you can actually just implement one of the strategies, any one or two in isolation, and they will impact your bottom line.

So let’s get into it.

Hi, and welcome to the founders go naked podcast. The show that helps six figure high ticket coaches, hate marketing scale to seven figures and beyond with great marketing.

My name is Terence and here’s my co-host Debbie.

Debbie: Hi everyone. Okay Terence, tell us about these seven strategies. I want to know if they are good or not.

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Diving Into Lead Magnets: The First Strategy

Terence: So, I guess, Debbie, you’re really excited to get into it, so let’s get into it. So the first thing that I would suggest that every single business owner do is to craft a lead [00:01:00] magnet for themselves. So what’s a lead magnet?

Debbie: Oh, I know, this is like a fridge magnet, right?

Terence: A lead magnet can be a free report, a checklist. Or something that’s super valuable that helps your target audience or your ideal customers to actually solve a particular problem or to educate them. For example, if you are like a marketing agency like us, one of the things that we are crafting right now is 10 tips to help you to fill up your webinars. Another lead magnet that we’re crafting right now is 10 tips and strategies to make sure that people show up for your webinar. So these are actual valuable tips and strategies that we use to know agency that other people can take it and apply into their own situations so that it helps solve problem. 

So have a think, is the most pressing problem that your target audience needs right now and create a lead magnet, a free [00:02:00] reports or something that helps them to elevate that problem? So why do you need this? First of all, you are giving results in advance. When people download your lead magnet, They are basically saying, well, you know, this guy actually knows something about what he’s doing because his tips his checklists. It’s incredibly awesome. Incredibly valuable. So he he, or she must know something about this particular topic.

So that is the key essence of it. And the great thing about lead magnets is that it can help you to build a list because as they say an internet marketing, The money is in the list. So we’ll cover that in one of the other tips.

Unlocking the Power of Video Sales Letters (VSLs)

The second strategy is having a VSL.

Debbie: Can you stop using acronyms? What is a VSL?

Terence: For those who don’t know, a VSL means a video sales letter. So video sales letter is basically a value first video that you put out. And gives people a little [00:03:00] bit of your solution. And then if they want the full solution, they can then take action on the same page. So your VSL will have a call to action asking people to book in a consultation, asking people to register or schedule a time to have a chat with one of your consultants. That will help them to actually elevate the problem that they have much faster. And that consultation obviously becomes a opportunity to offer a high ticket value.

So why do you need a VSL? A VSL is powerful because you as a spokesperson can connect with the prospect using video. And that’s very powerful. Because there are certain things that you cannot build just based on pure texts. For example, by watching me on video, number one, we’re building a bit of authority. Number two we’re building likeability. Hopefully. And the thing is we’re building familiarity, right?

So when people book [00:04:00] in that call to talk to you, they don’t feel like they’re booking a call with a stranger. They actually feel like they know you somewhat, and that’s why they’re booking the call.

So I won’t cover how to construct a VSL in this particular podcast, because that is too in-depth and will require too much time.

I’ve actually covered the gist of it in another podcast, which we will link to in the show notes below. So make sure you check out the show notes. So you can go and watch the episode on VSL, which we’ll cover a little bit about how to construct a VSL. Now, where do you want to put this VSL? So I would suggest the best place to put your VSL is probably on the page after people download your lead magnets. So think about it. They have downloaded a free report from you. 

Obviously the reason they download the free report is they have a problem they want to solved. Now on the next page, on your VSL, you say, Hey, thanks [00:05:00] for downloading my free report. Since you’ve downloaded my free report, you’re probably looking for a solution for this problem. So let me give you a few tips to help you solve the solution faster, using the reports and checklist that you just download it. And then you pivot to offer them a free consultation that will help them to solve their problem even faster. So that’s where the VSL comes in, right?

The Importance of Newsletters in Your Marketing Mix

Terence: The next strategy is having a newsletter. So why do you need a newsletter? Now remember if you have that lead magnet, you have lots of people downloading that lead magnet. And a lot of this people, when they come to the VSL page, they may not sign up for that free consult that you offered them. 

So guess what? You now have the opportunity to get in touch with them and nurture that relationship through a series of newsletters and these newsletters, we’re talking about are email newsletters that you send out on a regular basis. Okay. So every week at [00:06:00] least sent out one newsletter. So for us at radical marketing, what we do is we will send out a newsletter every week, announcing our podcasts or sending them to the YouTube video, if you’re watching this on YouTube.

We are constantly nurturing and giving value to our email list, which is where we’re building likeability. We’ll building that trust so that people in the future, While they may not immediately want that consult, but later on, they may want the consult when they say, oh, this problem is getting really, really big.

I need someone to help me solve it. Ah, I remember these guys that produce this newsletter that I read from time to time. So let’s get in touch with them and see if they can help me out, right? So that’s why that newsletter is so important because you want to build that tribe, that following and that trust within a bigger and growing list of people.

Otherwise, if you email your list, Now, and then only with offers or only when you want to make a sales pitch, [00:07:00] then, you lose that trust and you burn your list very quickly. Yes. Some people will take action to make purchases, but if you’re just sending that list, You know, offers and sign up for my webinar and all that kind of stuff, then you’re basically killing your list very fast.

So you need to have that good mix between nurturing and making pitches, right? Make sure you make pitches as well otherwise you’re not gonna make any sales right? So you need to have a balance of both, right? So that’s where these three different strategies come into play together.

Building a Sales Process & Sales Team: The Key to Conversion

Terence: And then the next step is you need a good sales process or good sales team. Now do you remember all those people who have booked that free consult with you? Via your VSL and maybe via your newsletter. Now you need a team of people or at least one person, or even maybe start off with yourself to actually make those one-on-one calls with people who book in.

So many times I work with [00:08:00] businesses that do not have this sales team down pat, and they expect the marketing to actually bring sales immediately. Yes, marketing can bring some sales, but that is not the main role of marketing. The main role of marketing is to make the sales person’s job easier. This is a very important part of your business, because of sales and marketing as playing golf. Now, marketing is the long game where you hit the ball as close to possible to the pin on the green. And the sales component is where the putting comes in, right? 

So the better the marketing, the closer your ball gets to the hole. Ultimately, you still need to make that putts. And that is where the sales team comes in to make that final putt so that people take out their credit card to make that transaction.

Leveraging Webinars for Engagement and Sales

Terence: Now the fifth strategy for you to consider is to host webinars. Now, why do you want [00:09:00] to host webinars? First of all, now that you’ve got a bigger list, right? You might want to start hosting webinars because as your list grows, And you just emailed them. Yes. Some people will respond and they will actually take action to make a purchase with you but lots of others they want that interaction with you. 

They might want to ask questions of you, but they may not want to get on the one-on-one call because they find it too intimidating. They don’t want to be sold to so Why not create a value first webinar, where you bring people in from your list to webinar maybe once every month, maybe once every quarter. And you give them the latest strategies or the latest solutions that can help them with their problem. 

What this does is number one, you built with authority.

Number two, you engage your list. 

Number three, you are also making that webinar and opportunity for you to make [00:10:00] offers. 

So as you can see now how each. All of these strategies actually work in sync fudge one another. So having that lead magnet to build that list, that newsletter that nurtures them and now we’re having this webinar that actually gets them to come and engaged and maybe making a purchase.

Content Creation: Strategy for Growth

Terence: And the next step I would say is to create content. That is strategy number six. So in 2024, it is more important than ever before to create contents. Now for us, we like to create videos like this. And also simultaneously this becomes a podcast. So we have video and podcasts done. And then with this videos and podcasts, we broadcasted to our social media channels. And in addition, we also send this to our email lists to nurture them so that they know that we’re going to send out a value first podcast or video every single [00:11:00] week. So they look forward to it.

They’re nurtured. They get value from it.

The other thing is that when people are considering you, they will probably go and check out your social media to find out what you’ve done,

And look at your videos so that they know and trust you better and to assess whether it is going to be a good Fit with working with you or purchasing your solution. So that’s why you need to create this videos on a regular basis. Now before you think, wow, that’s too much work. Remember, I just said that the strategy before this was to create the value first webinar. So if you’re doing this webinar, say every month, not take that webinar, split it up into like four different episodes shorter videos. Put it on YouTube, put it on social media and podcasts, all this different places. So that every month, you’re just creating that webinar.

And then the content for you is all your content creation is done. And you’re emailing your lists as well saying, Hey [00:12:00] in this snippet of my webinar, I actually talk about this. So go ahead and click on it so you can find out more.

Again, see how it all can sync up together, right? All the six strategies.

Exploring Blog Posts, SEO, and Online Reviews

Terence: Now the final strategy I would say is…

Debbie: Why not blog posts and SEO?

Terence: That’s a good question. I think there is room for blog posts and SEO. That’s also very important. However, personally, we’re not experts in SEO. We do know that writing long pillar posts is good. So what I can suggest is if you have that webinar, repurpose that webinar into a long form blog post as well. And make sure you consult with an SEO expert so that they can advise you on how to best structure that blog posts. Because SEO is a very, very complicated thing for us that are not in the know. You know, There’s all these things about you can’t have too many blog posts.

You can’t have too little blog posts. And all that stuff. I’d rather not touch that topic [00:13:00] because I cannot really advise them that. We ourselves hire an SEO expert, that consults for us. And gives us tips and strategies as to what to do and helps us optimize our blog posts, right? So I suggest you consult with one or go and learn SEO if that is the thing you really want to do.

Okay. And the final thing I’ll say is in 2024, what you need is online reviews. Okay, so online reviews are super important nowadays because 95% of people actually look and read online reviews before making a purchase. So regardless of what business you’re in, you need to make sure those reviews are up to speed and you have a lot of them and they are for the most part positive. Okay.

And make sure you address the negative ones in a non-emotional way about how you’re fixing that problem that the customer encountered. So one of things recently, friend of mine, he runs a dental clinic. [00:14:00] I told him to, Hey, You don’t have enough reviews. What you need to do is to do something, maybe an ethical bribe to get people to actually write reviews on Google for you. So he decided, yes, let’s, let’s give a whitening toothpaste for every person that leaves a good review for them. that’s what I did and the reviews are growing every single day now.

And that helps with the SEO as well.

Debbie: Isn’t that bribery?

Terence: I would call it an ethical, right?, because people need to be prompted Debbie in order for them to take action. So if you just ask someone to, Hey, could you please leave a good review for me?

Unless you are very close with the clients, chances are they won’t leave a good review. So in most cases you need to actually incentivize them to review Your product or your business. Otherwise you would get either extreme, either you get really good five-star reviews or you get like really angry customers that review you.

You want them get as many reviews as [00:15:00] possible even three stars, four stars. That’s fine. But is the way to do it. Otherwise you won’t get too many reviews at all.

Wrapping Up and Looking Ahead

Terence: So, thank you everyone.

I hope you enjoy this episode. Now previously in our podcast, we talked a lot about webinars. And focus strongly and webinars, but we realized that a lot of our listeners are not necessarily interested in doing webinars or they may not realize the importance of having webinars as part of the marketing mix.

Moving forward, what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk more about digital marketing and marketing strategies that can help businesses to succeed. So I hope That will help many more of you to actually get more value from this podcast so that we’re not too pigeonholed into just webinars. And whether you are a coach or whether you run some other business, you can all get more value from this podcast.

Terence: So thank you so much for watching

Debbie: We forgot one more thing, Terence. So if you’re a high [00:16:00] ticket coach looking to create a high converting VSL funnel, watch the video on the screen or click the link in our show notes. I’m sure you’ll find it valuable.

Terence: Thanks again for watching and I’ll see you in the next episode.

This podcast is hosted by Terence Tam, author of Lead Surge: 8 Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts. He is also the Founder of Radical Marketing, a digital marketing agency that partners with high-ticket coaches to scale their businesses with Webinars – by using a proprietary blend of story ads and battled-tested sales funnels to achieve better returns on ad dollars.

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