This 30-page template helped my client CRUSH their high ticket sales

EP26 3

Are you tired of spending hours creating slide presentations for your Webinars, only to find they don’t actually get people to buy your high ticket offers?

Look no further!

We designed this template to help you save time and convert high-ticket clients.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to make your presentation VALUABLE to your clients
  • Why QUALIFYING your audience saves your time (and money)
  • How to add a story that RESONATES with the audience
  • …and various ways to craft a high-converting webinar presentation

I want to show you a winning webinar presentation, and I want to give you this template so that you can create your own webinar that sells high ticket offers.

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#1 Crafting a Winning Webinar Title

Terence: So without further ado, let’s jump into it. So first of all, what you want to do is to make sure you have a good catching webinar title that resonates [00:01:00] with your ideal customer. So think about what this webinar title is and make sure it really catches the attention of your ideal customers. Now a bit of warning we have to go through about 30 slides. So I’ll do this as fast as possible and skim through it, but bottom line is you can download the webinar template.

I will leave it in the podcast or on YouTube, whichever you’re watching it so that you can download this template for free and you can design your webinar using this template.

#2 Identifying Your Audience

Let’s get into slide number two. Okay. So next thing you need to tell them, who is this webinar for? So this is to let them know that they are in the right place, that they are supposed to be on this webinar.

Terence: Now, why do you want to do this? It’s because like a lot of people register for webinars, then they come to the webinar and you want to reaffirm the decision to come for this webinar, that it is for them. 

Like, for example, if it is for people who want [00:02:00] to lose weight or for people who want to get more coaching clients. Whatever it is You need to tell them who this webinar is for so that they feel they are in the right place. They feel that you are speaking to them. So for example, you could say hey if you’re a high tech coach and you want to learn how to sell more at webinars, then you are in the right place today. 

So this is what you need to do.

#3 Outlining Webinar Content

And then next is that tell them what they are going to learn at this webinar.

Terence: So tell them three or four things they’re going to learn at your webinar. Say, for example, if you are a spiritual coach, first thing is you want to say like, hey, I’m going to give you a one minute meditation so that you can be more aware of your thoughts. Yeah. And the second thing you’re going to learn is how to block out all distractions while you’re doing this meditation.

And in a third instance, you might want to say, how do you know whether voices that you hear in your head are coming from your higher self or from your own brain, right? So I’m just making it up here, but I think you see the point [00:03:00] where you are basically giving them something concrete that they are going to learn so that that encourages them to actually stay on for the whole webinar.

#4 Future Pacing and Storytelling

Then the next thing is you want to give them some future pacing. And because they are learning these three things, what can they expect to walk away from this webinar? So in that, this instance, you’re talking about spiritual stuff. It’s like, I want you to walk away with a higher level of consciousness and awareness.

Terence: And a sense of blissfulness after this 45 minutes, right? So that could be the whole thing that you could be future pacing here is like first thing is you want to give them the desired outcome in this future pace, right? And then there is future pace number two. So future pace number two is where you paint for them a picture of pain because you say, now for people who don’t know this, they are likely gonna not be able to elevate to high levels of consciousness and awareness for example, right?

And they might end up living their lives in like the matrix or whatever it is. Okay, just making stuff up here [00:04:00] but I think this part is where you need to paint a picture of pain if they do not stay on to the end. Okay. Now what you need to do next is you want to start off with your story or with your client’s story. Like this is where you talk about the before part of your story.

So in our instance, for example where we are helping people to improve their webinars, right? We don’t actually tell our story because we personally don’t, you know, do webinars that often, but we can talk about the client who was breaking even and then basically when he encountered our solution, then he got 12 times ROAS from his first webinar with us, right?

So we’re telling other people’s story in this instance. But for you it might be more appropriate if you share your own story and how your solution actually helped you to achieve the better outcome that you wanted. And this is a continuation of your story, where you basically have the aha moment or the turning point where the whole thing changed.

Where we tell [00:05:00] before in the first place, where you had like just a terrible past, you know, And then you discovered this new solution that, you know, helped you to solve your sleep problem, for example, like a kind of like a sleep tool that helped you solve it. And that’s why now you’re offering it. And then part three of your story is your after.

So you have three segments of your story. It’s the before, the solution, how you came across it. And then the after state where you are sleeping soundly every night and before you couldn’t sleep at all and getting distracted by thoughts and all that kind of stuff. Okay, so basically you want to tell your story or your client’s story in three parts, okay?

#5 Transparency and Recap

Terence: And the next part is tell them why you are teaching this. And be completely transparent, you know, in my situation, I would say, look, the reason why I’m teaching you this is so that you can get more profits from your webinar. And, you know, I’ll be totally transparent is that some of you will decide not to do it on your own and you want some help doing it.

And that’s where we can have a chat at the end [00:06:00] of this webinar. And I’ll tell you where to sign up to have a chat with us, right? So that is something that I believe the more transparent you are nowadays the better it is. If you’re gonna say, look, those of you who are attending this webinar you will get the three things I promise you and then after that if you want to work more closely with me I will have an option for you to do so that we can have this like year long coaching session where we can get, dive deeper and get you more results, right?

Just be totally transparent with it. There’s no harm being transparent. People just don’t like, you know, getting hit with a sales pitch at the end, although most of them may actually expect it nowadays, but it’s better just to be transparent upfront so that it makes you less awkward as well at the end when you start pitching and then reiterate what they learned.

Just quickly say, okay, just to recap, this is the three things we’re going to go into right now. Okay. And then you get into the first piece of content, talk about it, share some stories, testimonials, get into the second bit of your content, and then the final bit of your content. And [00:07:00] basically that’s the core main part of your webinar.

I won’t cover that because everybody’s content is going to be different, right? Your content is unique to you. So I won’t talk about the content, but what I would say with content is make sure it’s number one, gives them quick wins, aha moments, and share story testimonials to back it up, that it actually works.

#6 Transitioning to Close

Terence: And then next thing is you want to transition to close. And basically here you can do it in multiple ways, right? I’ve seen people do it like, okay, you know, have you learned something useful? Right. If you have, please raise your hand. Right. So that gets engagement again. And, you know, It gets social proof.

So this is where you would want to have a transition thing. I’ve seen other people basically say, look, you know, that’s all the content I have to present to you today. As I said, at the end of this, if you want to actually work with me more closely, then please stay on because I’m going to talk about how you can work together.

So then what you need to do is. Just quickly recap what they’ve learned. So these are three things you’ve learned with me today. So the [00:08:00] whole purpose of this, I believe, is to just remind them of the value that you have provided. So once again, they have that good feelings about you. And here, the next slide is where you want to introduce a new problem.

So for instance, in my case, I would say, so today you’ve learned how to construct a webinar presentation that is going to get you high ticket clients. Next thing you need to know is you need to build a funnel. Otherwise, you’re not going to get people attending your presentation, right? So now that you’ve learned how to present, what you need to do is to build a funnel so people can register for your webinar.

So then that’s where you introduce your solution and say, look, what we can do for you is that we can help you to build your funnel because we have all these templates, all these systems that we know has worked and it’s working. It’s been proven through the years. So today I have prepared something special for you so that you can get your funnel at a very special price, right?

Or, you know, with all this bells and whistles bonuses, the next slide, where you introduce your solution, right?

#7 Introducing a New Problem

So coming back where you introduce a new problem, remember [00:09:00] when you do your presentation of the content, you’re helping them solve one problem, but what’s the natural consequence of that? Another problem generally emerges. So I just showed you my example in the health space. Maybe it is like, okay, men want to basically bulk up and look good, right? So first of all, they need to pull in muscle, but then the next thing is like, yeah, you know how to train, but then how do you diet so you don’t get like fat while you bulk up, right?

Terence: So the diet could be the second part of it in other cases where you’re coaching a business to grow maybe you show them first of all how to get leads. But once they get leads, then what happens is they need to know how to sell to those leads. And after they get to sell to those leads, guess what?

Terence: They need to know how to deliver to those leads, right? And that comes into operation. So there are so many things that you can do. There’s always the next problem. All right, so I just want to emphasize that a little bit more so that you’re clear about what I mean here by introducing a new problem.

You’re [00:10:00] not trying to interject a new problem by forcing it, but it’s just a natural occurrence that a new problem will occur once the original problem has been addressed.

#8 Disqualifying and Qualifying Participants

Okay, the next slide is we want to say who this is not for. Okay. Why do we want to say who this is not for? Because first of all, you want to disqualify people and you want to qualify people as well simultaneously.

Terence: For example, I would probably say something like, yeah, if you’re not at least at say 5, 000 a month in revenue, when you’re coaching business, then maybe you shouldn’t consider. Running ads to your webinar, right? You should do maybe more partnerships and JVs at this stage. And you know, once you have done that, then maybe come back to me, but right now this is not for you because to run ads, you need big budgets, right?

And what I want you to do is to go and test out your webinar first with email lists that maybe some of the contacts might have, right? So this is an example for me that I [00:11:00] would kind of like qualify them before letting them in. Right. And who is this not for? It’s like, okay, maybe you can disqualify by revenue.

Maybe you can disqualify by number of employees, depending if you’re B2B, maybe you can disqualify them by income. Yeah. There’s so many things you can do. Like say, for example, if you are wanting to sign up to this program, but you don’t have money and you have to put it on credit card, like guys, this is not for you, right?

Terence: This is for people who are financially sound and they really want to take their wealth to the next step. Then this is for you, right? If you have to borrow money to sign up for my program, then don’t, for example, right? That is just one example where you can disqualify people. Because bear in mind, you know, you don’t want the refunds and all that kind of stuff as well.

And also at the same time, you are qualifying the people who actually say, okay, well, that does not apply to me. So this is really for me then, right? So it makes them self qualifying themselves. Okay, and that will improve your close rate as well. Okay. [00:12:00] So then you might want to talk about reasons why you build this system. Now remember I built this system because I would know what it feels like to be unattractive to females for example, right?

So that’s why I want to help more guys to actually achieve this and I don’t think I should keep this secret to myself, etc, etc, right? I think having these reasons gives you more credibility and at the same time it also gives the audience your values as well, right? If they identify more with your values, the chances of them purchasing is so much higher as well. Okay, and then next slide you want to talk about the outcomes of using your stuff, right?

So once you have this program, this is what’s likely to happen. You will experience A you will experience B you experience C, that is quite common in the first month of using this program, right? And then in over a year, you are likely to experience XYZ, right? I think this is important. So you set the expectations of what they can expect, [00:13:00] right?

So when people do sign up for your program, they know what to expect and don’t over expect or under expect. Okay.

#9 Presenting Your Solution

And then next thing you want to talk about is the components of your services. So for example, you say, well, first of all, we have our course, which will give you the foundations of marketing, right?

Terence: Secondly, we have a community so that you can actually help each other to refine your marketing and brainstorm ideas for your marketing, for your business. And then we also have a group coaching thing once a month, where you get to ask me all these questions about marketing that you have tried to implement from the course and it’s not working. So we will help you to refine it and remember the fourth thing we have is that we have this email support system that you can write in at any time so that we can uh, one of our coaches will address your concerns, right?

So all these things that you have, make sure you talk about them. And then maybe you can also put a bit of value on each of them as well, if you want. Right. [00:14:00] So cost is normally 5, 000. Uh, this, uh, community is normally 10, 000 and this email support is normally 5, 000 and so on and so forth. Okay. And then the next slide is that where you present the price.

So when you talk about the outcomes they are likely to get, and the benefits they’re likely to get from all your, your things and the total price might be 20, 000, but now today and today only you get it for 5, 000 and it’s only valid for this webinar, for example. Okay. So you basically stack the value, stack the benefits.

And then you present the price. And now the next slide is where you put together a guarantee. You want to kind of eliminate those niggling worries with the guarantee. So the guarantee will be something like, uh, you, you have 30 days or 60 days to pilot test this program, and if it’s not for you, then just, we have a no, no questions asked guarantee.

So you can actually ask for a refund at any time within the 60 days and no questions asked. For [00:15:00] example, I don’t know what your guarantee is, but yeah. Come up something that addresses the main objection that your target audience is likely to have. Whether it’s a time objection, a money objection, whatever it is.

Now, the next thing is you want to throw in the bonuses on the next page. Okay. And this bonuses is where you kind of like want to add value and push those people who are sitting on the fence across. Right. So you might have like a, and for the next 10 people who sign up today, I will personally give you a one on one coaching session that is valued at 5, 000 or whatever it is where we will help you to, you know, overcome your mindset barriers within 30 minutes that is hindering you from success.

So that could be the bonus that you’re offering. Okay, and you might want to make it limited quantity and time limits with the deadline. So that’s completely up to you. Whatever [00:16:00] your target market will respond to. Okay, and then after that, just quickly recap the major transformation the buyer will experience. So if you sign up for my program today, what is likely to happen is that you will get roomfuls of webinars. You will get more leads. You will get more attendees. You will get, you know, your salespeople will be busy and you’ll be closing more sales within the next 30 days. That could be the thing that you promise.

So whatever is suited for your solution, whatever your solution can deliver, just tell them about that. And then the next slide is where you call it to action again, quite simply tell them exactly where to click, where, whether it’s a button on the page with this link, and then what happens on the link.

You need to fill in your details, your credit card and your contact information so that immediately within the next five minutes, you will get all these things sent out to you via email, and we will post you the package or [00:17:00] whatever material that we promise you, all that stuff. So make it super clear as to step by step what they need to do.

And then again, the next slide, just quickly recap the entire offer. So remember guys, I just want to do a quick recap. This is what you get ABCDE.

#10 Final Call to Action and Q&A

And then final slide is where you have final call to action again, and basically tell them, look guys, this is the last time I’m gonna ask you to do this, so go ahead and click on this link and sign up within the next 16 minutes in order to get all the bonuses so that we can achieve better results together or whatever it is. Okay, have a final call to action on the final page and then this is where you might want to pivot into Q&As right?

Terence: So in the Q&A session is where you want to address objections. Where you want to answer as many questions as possible and get people talking. If in the Q&A section, there are no questions, which can be quite awkward, I would suggest make sure you have a few questions prepared. Okay. So if people don’t seem [00:18:00] to be responding.

You just whack it up and say look, these are one of the common questions I always get at this webinar is that people say will this work for me if I am over 60 years old, right? For example, then you start addressing that objection. Okay? If that is a common objection. So that’s it guys, I hope this template will help you with your webinars and make you more successful and convert more high ticket clients for your business.

I hope you enjoyed it. And wherever you’re watching it, I hope you give me a subscribe, give me a review, and I’ll see you in the next episode.

This podcast is hosted by Terence Tam, author of Lead Surge: 8 Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts. He is also the Founder of Radical Marketing, a digital marketing agency that partners with high-ticket coaches to scale their businesses with Webinars – by using a proprietary blend of story ads and battled-tested sales funnels to achieve better returns on ad dollars.

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