10 Proven Lead Generation Strategies for Your Coaching Business

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    Are Your Lead Generation Strategies Working?

    There’s a whole ocean full of clients out there.

    But how do you find the right ones to reel in for your coaching business? 

    That’s where you need to know how to do lead generation.

    Leads are the lifeline of any coaching business.

    Whether you’re a business coach, a life coach, or do any sort of coaching at all, leads matter.

    Without good lead generation for your coaching program, your awesome abilities as a coach go to waste.

    And the goal of getting leads?

    It’s to have so many leads on an ongoing basis that you can pick and choose who to work with. 

    Rather than take on the client from hell that causes more pain than they’re worth.

    So let’s get right into the trenches and explore 10 different strategies you can use to generate more leads today.

    1) Leverage Social Media

    social media

    Contrary to popular belief, social media isn’t just for sharing cat memes and having petty arguments.

    It’s an absolute GOLDMINE for leads if you know how to leverage it properly.

    Find out where your target audience hangs out: LinkedIn for professional, TikTok or Instagram for the younger crowd, or Facebook for more of a mixed bag… etc. etc.

    Then, engage with them.

    Comment on posts, share valuable content.

    Make it a point to post regularly. 

    And make value-based comments on as many of your target audiences’ posts each day 

    (Not your thoughtless “Awesome post!” or “Nice” comments) 

    And remember to be a human, not a walking billboard!

    People can smell your intentions a MILE away if all you ever do is advertise your programs.

    With social media, consistency is key!

    Regular posts coupled with genuine interaction can turn your social media channels into valuable lead generators.

    Who does this strategy work for?

    Anyone who knows how their target audience thinks. Those who do business coaching, for instance, might engage their followers with insightful business or financial tips that help people make money. While those who do life coaching might find it more prudent to connect with their audience with philosophical and lifestyle content. Either way, it’s all about building a personal brand and connecting with potential clients in a meaningful way.

    What are some common mistakes/failures? 

    Being too promotional in your content – without providing actual value.

    2) Optimize Your Website for Conversion


    Your website shouldn’t just sit there looking pretty – it needs to get you leads.

    This means having a well-optimized website that’s speedy, clear, and congruent with your business’s message… so that people don’t just click away within the first couple of seconds.

    Then, make sure to have a compelling call-to-action (CTA) on every page.

    Whether it’s signing up for a free Webinar, joining a mailing list, or scheduling a 1-on-1 session, all these actions convert a casual browser into a lead – which is what you want at the end of the day.

    Who does this strategy work for?

    Lead generation for coaching programs relies a lot on how convincing your website is. If your coaching business attracts a lot of visitors to your website, then it is absolutely worth it to maximize the conversion of those visitors into valuable leads!

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    If you don’t optimize your website to be mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on those leads. Most people are browsing on their phones these days, after all!

    3) Host Free, Kickass Webinars


    Webinars are all about convenience.

    The pandemic showed us one thing: there’s a huge market for people who want to learn remotely, in the comfort of their own home.

    Leverage this by offering free, high-value Webinars and advertising it on your website, social media channels, and other marketing channels.

    Just by having people sign up with their contact info to get access to the free Webinar, you’re ALREADY getting a list of high-quality leads!

    Not only that – this also helps you gauge your market while establishing your authority in the field. So your audience gets to learn some valuable information, while you get leads and data while also establishing your reputation.

    A win-win situation for all!

    If you already have an email list of prospects, Webinars are a terrific way to re-engage with your list while providing value. 

    Who does this strategy work for? 

    This is a great lead generation strategy for any type of coaching program, e.g., business coaching, life coaching, fitness coaching, etc., as it allows you to demonstrate your expertise and engage with a wide audience.

    What are some common mistakes/failures? 

    Failing to promote your Webinar adequately can result in low attendance and engagement. Having only a few people show up for your Webinar casts a bad look on your image and reputation as a coach – so take advertising seriously!

    4) Offer High-Quality Lead Magnets


    Lead magnets are basically free resources you can offer your customers in exchange for their details.

    They’re basically the bait you attach to your metaphorical fishing line when trying to hook the right people to start engaging with you.

    For instance, if you’re running training workshops for property investment, you could offer value by creating a report titled “5 best strategies to make money from property”.

    Offer the PDF for free in exchange for your prospect’s email address – and see those leads jump in!

    Note: Don’t half-ass it! Your lead magnets should be high-quality so you can create an awesome first impression on any potential clients.

    Who does this strategy work for?

    With lead magnets, you want both value and high production quality. If you possess great multimedia talents (i.e., writing, graphic design, video editing), then this could be your way of standing out among your competitors. If not, consider investing in a team that can churn out amazing lead magnets!

    What are some common mistakes/failures? 

    Your lead magnets should be relevant to your audience and congruent with your overall marketing message. If you’re a business coach specializing in property investment, for instance, you won’t be generating much leads if your lead magnet is talking about the world’s top 10 dessert recipes.

    While we’re talking about lead magnets, why not download the free e-book we have written for coaches and experts below?

    5) Utilize Email Marketing


    Did you know that the Internet’s oldest form of communication is still a powerful marketing tool today?

    A whopping 59% of consumers say that marketing emails influence their purchase decisions.

    So if you think email marketing is dead… think again.

    That brings us to the question: how does email marketing for high-ticket coaches work?

    Start by building an email list (using the lead magnet strategy we mentioned earlier).

    Then, once they sign up, nurture the leads by sending them regular, valuable content, updates and lessons from your personal life , and occasionally, make them special offers.

    Again, don’t just spam people with offers! 

    Remember… every email is an opportunity to build a stronger relationship with your audience and gently guide them to your coaching services.

    Once you have built a substantial list, you can also do JV promotions with other coaches who offer complementary coaching services. 

    Basically you tell them that you will endorse their offer to your list, if they endorse your offer to your list. 

    Both of you get new leads and sales for free. 

    It’s a brilliant low cost way of marketing.

    Who does this strategy work for? 

    Every coach should be utilizing email marketing! As long as you’re writing engaging, valuable emails, and are dedicated to consistently communicating with your prospects, then emails are a great way to generate leads for your coaching business.

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    Going for the sales pitch from the get go can lead to high unsubscribe rates. Try warming your prospects up first with value-driven newsletters instead of slapping them with promotions right off the bat.

    6) Write a Blog

    How do you provide high-quality, engaging content that addresses your target audience’s pain points, while also establishing you as subject matter authority?

    Simplest answer: write a blog!

    Blog posts (such as the one you’re currently reading) are a great way to not only make your presence known in online communities, but can also provide organic leads for your business through genuinely valuable content.

    Make sure to optimize your articles for SEO (use relevant keywords) so that it’s more likely to come up when people search for the topic you’re writing about, and include a clear CTA where applicable to convert your readers into leads!

    Content marketing works especially well for coaches, because if you’re in this line of work then you’re already pretty knowledgeable about what you want to teach…

    So just slap some of that knowledge in written form to create value-driven content!

    Who does this strategy work for?

    It’s perfect for coaches who are good writers (or have a team with good writers) and are able to consistently produce SEO-friendly and valuable content for their target audience.

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    Make sure there’s a substantial number of keyword searches for the topic you want to write about before investing the time to do it… otherwise, no one’s gonna find your article.

    7) Create Targeted Ads for Events

    A lot of coaches make this mistake when they create ads for their events or Webinars:

    They create a generic ad with a generic message that appeals to everyone, then set it to target as broadly as possible, in order to get the lowest possible CPL (cost per lead).

    Here’s the problem with this approach: your ads aren’t guaranteed to get high ROAS (return on ad spend) this way.

    Ultimately, you want your ads to reel in people who would actually sign up for your event and thus lead to sales. If every random Internet stranger and their dog clicks on your ad, chances are, not many of them are going to actually be interested in what you have to offer.

    You don’t just want leads from your ads – you want HIGH-QUALITY leads who can actually generate sales for your business!

    So, an easy fix for this is to set the target and demographic parameters for your ads so that they actually narrow down on your ideal market segment.

    And make sure to tailor your ad message to your target market!

    If you want to see why and how to go about doing this, check out our blog post/video here: https://www.radical-marketing.com/the-cheap-leads-fallacy/

    Who does this strategy work for?

    This works well for all coaches who understand their target audience well and can craft compelling ad messages, while also having a budget for advertising.

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    Most coaches don’t come prepared with the amount of knowledge needed to monitor, analyze, and adjust their ad campaigns for the best results. This isn’t really their fault. This is why it’s important to engage with marketers who specialize in your niche (whether it be seminars, webinars, or types of events) and are able to generate incredible returns for your ad dollars.

    8) Make Use of Testimonials and Case Studies


    Trust is HUGE in converting casual eyeballs into leads.

    Nothing sells your services better than the words of happy clients!

    So collect testimonials and build case studies showcasing the transformations your coaching has facilitated.

    These are incredibly powerful because they show real-life examples of your success and can be that extra nudge a person needs to go all-in on your sales pitch.

    Make sure to display these testimonials and case studies prominently on your website and social media, and don’t forget to sprinkle them into your marketing materials too!

    For instance… Did you know that we helped one of our clients go from 3X ROAS to 8X ROAS on the FIRST Webinar we helped market? You can listen to how we did it in our podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iYDuFYoB4LI2r4cfenoqU

    (See what we did there? 😉)

    Who does this strategy work for? 

    Basically, any business coach or life coach who has satisfied clients who are willing to share their positive experiences.

    What are some common mistakes/failures? 

    Not regularly updating or showcasing new testimonials can make your business appear stagnant. Imagine if your dedicated testimonials page lists the most recently satisfied client as someone you worked with over a decade ago, for instance… not exactly good for optics, right?

    9) Create a Coaching Podcast


    Yeah, you probably saw this coming after we casually dropped that podcast link there.

    But a podcast is essentially another way of creating high-quality and engaging content for your potential clients.

    It’s also an awesome way to tell your customers that you know your stuff (and are therefore a trustworthy coach in this industry).

    It works especially well if you invite other experts as guests as well. Not only does this help lend credibility to your program, it also puts you on the radar of a star guest’s following – which will only help you in the long run!

    Ultimately, though, you have to remember that podcasts are a huge time and energy commitment and the payoffs are not immediately apparent.

    But the credibility and presence you establish with a successful podcast can definitely help you attract leads in the long run.

    So if you’re able to consistently deliver, then grab that microphone and start inspiring people with your voice!

    Who does this strategy work for? 

    Podcasts, like other types of valuable content, serve as great lead generation for business coaches, life coaches, fitness coaches, etc. who really know their stuff and aren’t shy about sharing. If you’re comfortable with speaking and interviewing, and are able to commit to a consistent podcasting schedule, then this could be the strategy for you.

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    Low-quality content (such as recordings with poor audio quality) or inconsistent release schedules reflect poorly on your credibility. On the other hand, if you’re able to produce high-quality and consistent releases, you can REALLY stand out from the crowd, especially if there aren’t many established podcasts yet that are about your niche.

    Listen to Founders Go Naked, the show that helps high-ticket coaches scale their businesses to 7 figures and beyond!

    10) Implement a Referral Program

    Finally, we go to the simplest form of marketing: word of mouth.

    If you already have existing students or clients, then you can set up a referral program to bring new clients your way.

    It could be anything from a discount on future sessions to a freebie (people love free shit).

    Just make it easy for them to refer to others by providing shareable links or referral codes.

    Remember, the easier and more enticing you make it for people to refer others, the more leads you’re likely to get. And the best thing? These warm leads come pre-trusted, since they were referred by someone they know.

    This strategy turns your current client base into a de facto sales team, expanding your reach exponentially.

    Who does this strategy work for? 

    Similar to the strategy that makes use of testimonials, this requires an existing client base who are satisfied and willing to share their success with others.

    What are some common mistakes/failures?

    Generic incentives (e.g., Amazon gift cards) might attract freeloading clients who are only in it to get freebies. In a way, offering targeted value-driven incentives can separate these freeloaders from those who are genuinely interested in your program (and are thus more likely to bring in like-minded people as well).

    And there you have it.

    10 strategies, straight out of the oven, for you to try out today and help grab more leads, scale up, and get more ROI from your coaching business.

    For more battle-tested tips, feel free to subscribe to our fresh new podcast, Founders Go Naked.

    Despite the sexy name, no one’s taken off their clothes. Not yet, anyway.

    But it’s a great way to touch base with some of the top coaches, entrepreneurs, business founders, and experts in the industry and learn about their personal struggles and winning strategies.

    So hop on and give it a listen:



    Thanks for reading!

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